Émulation en folie : les derniers émulateurs à tester sur Mac et iOS

GemRB version 0.9.3

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GemRB (Game Engine Made with preRendered Background), est un moteur original se voulant compatible avec les jeux gérés par le fameux Infinity Engine de BioWare et permet donc, en plus de créer ses

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques



New features:
        - full i18n (language) support, custom journal entries
        - chunking approximation
        - BMP v3 and v5 support
        - small test suite, tracy support
        - iwd2 identification variants and speed data
        - nwn-for-bg2 compatibility

Improved features:
        - area music, creature & area sounds
        - colored logging, pathfinding, drawing
        - ee compat, effects, modals, projectiles, familiars
        - iwd2 & pst worldmap
        - switched to c++14, build system
        - bugfixes

SNES9X version 1.63

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L'un des meilleurs émulateur de Super Nintendo sur Mac. Le code et quelques builds sont disponibles sur github.

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- Added a shortcut to change the backdrop color for sprite extraction.
- Fixed QuickSave 0-9 slot shortcuts not working.
- Allow "Address:byte" form for cheat inputs.
- Fixed ZIP files not being closed after patch search.
- Various memmap fixes to allow unofficial mappings.
- Added usage of ImGui to draw things on top of the screen instead of inside.

- Fixed AVI not recording audio.
- Fixed framerate throttling in turbo mode (now works during AVI recording).
- Fixed interlaced output speed being double.
- Fixed command line arguments not working.
- Fixed WaveOut device name display for names longer than 31 characters.
- Fixed Bank+/- hotkey saving.
- Added hotkeys for aspect ratio, cheat edit/search.
- Added multiselect for cheat edit dialog.

- Fixed config file location to never put files directly in $HOME and obey
- Updated translations from JakeSmarter and StanleyKid-22.

- Added a new cheat finder.
- Added MultiCart support back.
- Create a blank window when starting the program, so the global menu change
 doesn't go unnoticed.

Yape version 0.80.1

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Yape (pour Yet Another Plus/4 Emulator), est un émulateur C16 plus/4. La version Mac est un portage utilisant la librairie SDL.

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New binary release for yapeSDL, the most notable novelty is comprehensive support for the Commodore VIC-20. Henceforth, yapeSDL supports emulating all three major 8-bit Commodore models in a single binary.


  • 1-bit format and drag'n'drop support for WAV files
  • remember last joystick keyset setting
  • paste from clipboard with Alt+V
  • cycle counter in external monitor
  • VS2022, Mac/XCode & Linux compilation fixes
  • serial IEC EOI improvement
  • CPU halt bug fixed
  • VIA improvements

Commodore plus/4

  • TED sound fixes
  • improved reading from open address space

Commodore VIC/20

  • NEW! Commodore VIC/20 emulation with a rather decent compatibility

vAmiga version 2.6.2

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Émulateur Amiga 500, 1000, 2000 développé pour macOS.

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  • Some config panels crashed when pressing "Revert to…" or "Use as default".
  • RetroShell Command amiga defaults was broken in 2.6.1.


  • The emulator no longer crashes when loading snapshots via the Open... menu.

MartyPC version 0.2.2

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Émulateur PC écrit en Rust dont seules les sources sont disponibles, normalement compatible Intel/M1.

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Known Issues

  • You may get a Windows SmartScreen notification that this application is 'unknown'. You will need to click 'run anyway'. The MartyPC Windows executable is signed via Sectigo; I have done all I can think of to appease Microsoft, and not sure what else to do. This is NOT a malware warning.
  • WGPU support for older GPUs has moved from DirectX to OpenGL. If you are running an older graphics card or integrated graphics adapter and experience poor performance, please set the following user environment variable:



  • macOS users on Intel may experience colored stripes on the screen in fullscreen mode. Enable macos_stripe_fixin the configuration to resolve this.

New devices

  • LoTech 2MB EMS Board

    • Added emulation of the LoTech 2MB EMS Card
      This card can be added to any machine configuration via the lotech_ems overlay. You can specify the window segment
      and IO base address. However, these values must match one of the values supported by the real hardware or the driver
      won't work with it.
  • Game Port and Joystick

    • Added emulation of the IBM game port card, and basic keyboard-based joystick emulation. There is a new keyboard
      hotkey (JoyToggle) to turn this on and off (provisionally defined as Ctrl-F9), as well as configurable
      joystick_keys in the configuration you can use to define what keys control the joystick.
    • PCJr and Tandy 1000 machines will have a game port installed automatically. You can add a game port to any PC or XT
      configuration via the game_port overlay.
    • Two two-button, two-axis joysticks are assumed to be connected when you specify a game port.
      Different joystick configurations may be supported in the future.
  • PCJr Cartridge Slots

    • Added support in the core, frontend and GUI for PCJr cartridges in JRipCart format. Inserting or removing a cart
      will reboot the machine. You will only see the cartridge slots when using the PCJr machine.

Frontend Bug Fixes / Improvements

  • Added a new resource type 'cartridge' and menu interface to browse and select PCJr Cartridges.

Core Bug Fixes / Improvements

  • SERIAL: Fixed many issues in MartyPC's 8250 UART emulation. PCjr now boots without error code 'D' and Checkit2 serial
    diagnostics also pass.
  • BUS: Implemented a terminal_port configuration option under [machine] in the main configuration. Writes to this
    port will be printed to the host's terminal.
  • MC6845: Fixed an issue preventing entering vertical total adjust period if vertical total was 127. Fixes some Hercules
    display issues.
  • HERCULES: Increased the size of the Hercules' display field to accomodate some CGA emulators that drive the MDA
    monitor slightly out of sync (Fixes BBSIMCGA)
  • CGA: Added CGA's external mode register to debug output
  • MACHINE: Added a facility to record disassembly listings from running code. The output filename is set by
    disassembly_file under [machine] in the main configuration.
    Basically, this feature saves instruction disassembly to a hash table by CS:IP. Modification of code segments will
    override previous disassembly, so it is most useful to toggle this feature on and off for specified periods.

Debugger Bug Fixes / Improvements

  • Serial Status window: Displays serial port registers and statistics.
  • IO Status Window
    • Added a 'reset' button to reset all the port counters.
    • Added the last read byte value for each port
    • Fixed panic/crash when resetting machine with the IO Stats window open and scrolled.

Distribution Changes

  • Added a SvarDOS-based MartyPC boot diskette to media/floppies/boot.
    This disk will load the LoTech EMS driver and CTmouse driver.
  • Moved FreeDOS to media/floppies/DOS
  • Added SvarDOS build 20240201 diskettes to media/floppies/DOS
  • Added ctmouse v1.91 (last working version for Non-VGA) to media/floppies/utilties/mouse
  • Added LoTech 2MB EMS card utilities to media/utilities/EMS
  • Added JOYCALIB to media/utilities/joystick
  • Updated GLaBIOS 0.2.6 ROMS for a bugfix when int 10h vector is overridden

Dependency Updates

  • Set rustc minimum version to 1.76
  • Update egui to 0.27.2
  • Update wgpu to 0.19.4

3DSen PC version 0.9.11

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3DSen PC est un impressionnant émulateur de NES effectuant un rendu 3D.


SameBoy version 0.16.6

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Émulateur de Nintendo Game Boy et Game Boy Color et Super Game Boy au départ exclusivement pour macOS.

Si les sources sont disponibles, les derniers builds demandent OSX 10.12 minimum.

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques



This version is backwards compatible with save states from SameBoy 0.14.3 and newer, as well as save states from any BESS compliant emulator.

New/Improved Features

  • You can now browse Homebrew Hub and download submitted games and demos directly in the iOS frontend.
    • Currently, only open-source submissions can be viewed in-app. The ability to allow other submissions to appear in SameBoy will be added to Homebrew Hub soon.
  • The option to open SameBoy’s Library in the Files app has been added to the iOS frontend’s Library screen.
  • Screen dimming is now disabled while emulation is running in the iOS frontend.
  • Improved D-pad controls in the iOS frontend – the center point of the D-pad is now a safe “rest” zone; dragging a touch outside of the D-pad no longer releases the button.
  • User-provided boot ROMs can now be selected in the iOS frontend.

Accuracy Improvements

  • Accuracy improvements to the square “zombie stepping” glitch in CGB-D and CGB-E, fixed Telefang title audio that was broken for these revisions.
  • Writing to NRx3 and NRx4 in the same cycle these registers are read by the APU is now emulated correctly.
  • SameBoy will now select cgbE_boot.bin, if available, when emulating CGB-E.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that triggered occasional audio distortions on some Macs and iOS devices.
  • Fixed a bug that made the iOS version sometimes incorrectly prefer SGB over CGB emulation for some newly imported ROMs.
  • Fixed a bug that could crash SameBoy upon pausing in the iOS and Cocoa frontends.
  • Fixed a bug that made the Cocoa frontend’s Debug Console windows always on top.
  • Fixed a 0.16.5 regression that broke the Cocoa frontend’s Memory window on macOS Sonoma.
  • Fixed stability issues when emulating the Game Boy Camera in the iOS frontend.
  • Fixed a bug that caused haptics and rumble to temporarily stop working in the iOS frontend.

Misc Internal Changes

  • Internal support for AGB-0’s boot ROM was added to the core’s API (AGB-0 remains unsupported as an emulated revision for now)


Version 0.16.5

This version is backwards compatible with save states from SameBoy 0.14.3 and newer, as well as save states from any BESS compliant emulator. This version’s change set includes the changes from version 0.16.4, which was exclusive to the iOS App Store.

New/Improved Features

  • The iOS frontend is now available on the App Store
    • The App Store version requires iOS 13 or higher, while the version targeting side-loading and jailbroken devices still supports iOS 11 and 12.
  • The following new features has been added to the iOS frontend:
    • Support for MFi, PlayStation, Switch and Xbox controllers. Support includes rumble functionality, motion controls, analog controls, and button remapping.
    • A launch screen was added.
    • A new “Import ROM File” button was added to the Library screen.
    • Multiple interface themes were added.
      • The App Store version has additional themes that can be unlocked by supporting SameBoy’s development.
    • The iOS frontend now shows tips and facts in the pause menu.
    • Tapping SameBoy’s logo now opens the pause menu.
    • The button haptics strength can now be changed.
    • After importing a new ROM, a suitable model is automatically selected
  • The default rewind duration in the Cocoa and iOS frontends was change to 2 minutes to match the SDL frontend.
  • Debugger windows no longer hide when the Cocoa frontend is out of focus.
  • Each debugger window now includes the ROM name in its titlebar in the Cocoa version.

Bug Fixes

  • The Cocoa and iOS frontends no longer incorrectly include the word “Version” in their version strings.
  • Fixed a bug that caused filtered screenshots to be saved as 32-bit per channel on the Cocoa frontend.
  • Fixed a bug affecting iPads that left the game paused under some conditions after exiting certain screens.
  • Fixed incorrect handling of loading save states of an incompatible MBC RAM size.
  • Fixed a visual glitch with the Monochrome LCD scaling filter, which also caused filter screenshots to be semi-transparent.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed rewinding auto-loaded states back to the boot ROM in the iOS frontend, potentially losing data.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the camera-change button to be positioned incorrectly on notched iPhones running the iOS frontend.

Misc Internal Changes

  • Fixed build issues when using the current master branch of RGBDS to build SameBoot.
  • Fixed a false positive warning when using certain GCC versions.
  • The iOS frontend’s license has been updated.


Version 0.16.3

This version is backwards compatible with save states from SameBoy 0.14.3 and newer, as well as save states from any BESS compliant emulator

New/Improved Features

  • The “Hot Swap Cartridge” functionality now allows hot swapping a file with a newer version of itself in the Cocoa version
    • This can also be done with the new “Reload ROM” menu item, available while holding Shift in the Emulation menu
  • The SDL frontend now uses the modern folder selection dialog when selecting a boot ROMs folder on Windows
  • Add an option to allow pressing A+B by touching the space between the two buttons in the iOS frontend
  • The iOS frontend can now choose between 3 audio modes; Enabled, Disabled, and Controlled by Silent Mode
  • The iOS IPA release is now ad-hoc signed to prevent TrollStore from signing it with the wrong entitlements
  • The iOS Deb release is now compatible with both rootful and rootless jailbreaks

Accuracy Improvements/Fixes

  • Updated the built-in SGB boot ROMs so they’re closer in timing to the original boot ROMs

Bug Fixes

  • The Cocoa and iOS versions now display the correct license for SameBoy
  • Improved compatibility with certain ISX files
  • Fixed the States screen displaying incorrectly in iOS 16 and newer
  • Fixed several spelling mistakes in the debugger
  • Fixed visual artifacts that may appear in certain scaling filters when scaling with a multiple of 3 factor
  • Prevent filtered screenshots from using 64-bit color depth on the Cocoa frontend, which improves compatibility with certain apps
  • The ticks debugger command no longer outputs “Tick count reset” if the keep flag was used
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Turbo Mode from working on iOS if dynamic speed controls were not enabled

Misc Internal Changes

  • Improved integration with libretro’s build infrastructure, which should greatly improve the release schedule of the libretro version of SameBoy


Version 0.16.2

This version is backwards compatible with save states from SameBoy 0.14.3 and newer, as well as save states from any BESS compliant emulator

Accuracy Improvements/Fixes

  • Improvements to the “Accurate” frame blending option; SameBoy now correctly tracks the “parity” of each frame, and uses a more realistic blending ratio
  • Support for bootleg ROMs that claim to have no RAM in the MBC field, but also declare a non-zero RAM size

Bug Fixes

  • Removed XAudio 2.7 support and replaced it with the redistributable version of XAudio 2.9, fixing various crashes on Windows 7
  • Fixed an issue with the menu graphics being glitched in the SDL frontend if SameBoy is set to display a border
  • Fixed the update dialog in the Cocoa frontend displaying the changelog in the wrong font on versions of macOS
  • Fixed Quick Look support being broken on macOS Sonoma
  • Fixed a bug where the Cocoa and iOS frontend would sometimes flicker when using the Metal renderer


Version 0.16.1

This version is backwards compatible with save states from SameBoy 0.14.3 and newer, as well as save states from any BESS compliant emulator

New/Improved Features

  • SameBoy on iOS will now warn the user if it hasn’t been correctly signed, which could prevent “Open With” from working with SameBoy

Accuracy Improvements/Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that made SameBoy think a WorkBoy was connected in some cases where a Game Boy Printer was connected

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that made SameBoy incompatible with macOS versions 10.9 to 10.15
  • Fixed several UI issues with the Printer Feed on macOS Big Sur and newer
  • Prevent some Cocoa toolbar items from overflowing into a menu item that would crash on click
  • Fixed a bug that prevented SameBoy from opening ROM files if VisualBoyAdvance was also installed on macOS
  • VSync is now automatically disabled in the SDL frontend if the screen refresh rate is under 60Hz, which could cause garbled audio on some machines
  • Fixed a bug where the SDL frontend would indefinitely hang if the current audio device became unavailable while using the XAudio 2.7 driver

Misc Internal Changes

  • The iOS Deb releases no longer contain local file ownership information
  • The SDL version used in the Windows release has been updated to 2.28.5


Version 0.16

This version is backwards compatible with save states from SameBoy 0.14.3 and newer, as well as save states from any BESS compliant emulator

New/Improved Features

  • A new, fully-featured iOS frontend:
    • Supports every iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch model running iOS 11 or newer (iOS 13 or newer is recommended)
    • Can be installed by side-loading (using AltStore or TrollStore) or using a jailbreak
    • Innovative and customizable touch controls, including support for analog rewind, fast-forward and slow motion
    • Save states
    • Scaling filters
    • In-game rumble support
    • Game Boy Camera support
    • Motion controls for supported games
    • Notifications for alarm-clock-enabled games
    • Advanced emulation settings
    • A lot more!
  • Reopening a ROM from Finder or other means now reloads the ROM in the Cocoa frontend
  • The SDL frontend received a small facelift
  • Cheats support in the SDL frontend
  • The SDL frontend can now pick a specific revision from CLI
  • A new reset command in the debugger, supporting 3 types of resets
  • Several new changes that improved performance:
    • Disabled inlining of several slow-path functions
    • Enabled the compiler’s fast-math flag
    • Prevention of loop unrolling for large, non-speed-critical loops, to improve utilization of instruction caches
    • Optimize the GUI code for size rather than speed to improve utilization of instruction caches
    • Work around Clang and GCC generating slow code for inline compile-time constants
  • Support for ranged breakpoints and watchpoints
  • Breakpoints and watchpoints are now identified by a unique ID rather than an address, deletion is now done by ID
  • The IO_ prefix for hardware registers in the debugger has been removed in favor of the more standard r prefix
  • The Cocoa memory viewer’s “Go to” field can now switch banks and address spaces
  • The Cocoa memory viewer now symbolicates its selection in the status bar
  • The debugger now supports backwards single stepping, if rewinding is enabled (experimental)
  • Sending SIGUSR1 to the SDL frontend now triggers a reset command
  • Improved controller assignment in the Cocoa frontend, especially when playing multiplayer SGB games or when emulating the link cable
  • Menu and keyboard shortcuts to scale windows up and down to the next integer factor in the Cocoa frontend
  • The Windows builds are now 64-bit, greatly improving performance on Windows

Accuracy Improvements/Fixes

  • Emulation of open bus behavior when reading disabled cartridge RAM
  • More accurate emulation of volume envelope locking on the pre-Color models, as well as CGB revisions older than D
  • Improved Printer timings, allowing the mini game in Hello Kitty Pocket Camera to be played
  • First-party Nintendo games will now have correct initial register values when using the built-in CGB and AGB boot ROMs
  • Improved accuracy of JOYP switching delay
  • Fixed a timing issue when aborting an object fetch using an LCDC write
  • Improvements to object fetching address calculation timings
  • Accurate emulation of PPU registers write conflicts in CGB double speed mode
  • Correct emulation of reading SVBK, fixes Flyeyes (unlicensed game)
  • Wired Switch Controllers now get automatic button mappings in the Cocoa frontend
  • Fixed a bug where GBS files were starting with a wrong value in the IE register, fixes several GBS files
  • Emulation of the OAM corruption glitch triggered by the jr instruction, as well as halt and stop modes
  • Correct read emulation of the BANK register while still in the boot ROM
  • Fixed a bug where accurate RTC emulation halted while SameBoy wasn’t running
  • Accurate emulation of many sweep-related glitches, including revision differences
  • Fixed a bug where HDMA5 was not correctly updated when disabling HBlank HDMA
  • Correct, revision-accurate emulation of reading from VRAM in the last cycle of Mode 3
  • Channel 3 is now correctly mixed when emulating a GBA

Bug Fixes

  • The “Step” icon in the Cocoa debugger was broken on non-Retina displays
  • Fixed a bug where certain temperature tint settings would tint too much
  • Banked breakpoints no longer trigger while executing the boot ROM
  • Fixed camera emulation using the wrong aspect ratio on some Macs
  • Fixed a bug that caused artifacts on the right and bottom edges of the Game Boy Camera
  • Fixed a bug that allowed rewinding across ROM switches in the SDL frontend
  • Fixed a bug that made rewinding try to rewind across model changes
  • Fixed a bug that made save states created on Windows incompatible with other operating systems, and vice versa
  • Several settings in both the SDL and Cocoa frontends had some unexpected defaults, which have been adjusted
  • GameShark cheats were not imported correctly
  • Fixed imported cheats not appearing in the Cocoa frontend
  • Fixed the built-in MGB boot ROM being unexpectedly larger than it should be
  • Prevented cases where the Cocoa debug console would remain open after closing a ROM
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Libretro core to crash in link mode
  • Fixed support for Xbox Wireless Controllers in the Cocoa frontend
  • Some constants in the LCD and CRT filters were not updated when the shaders switched to linear RGB
  • Fixed a bug where jump-to breakpoints disassembled the wrong address under certain scenarios
  • Fixed an edge case where jump-to breakpoints did not work as expected, or took a slow code path
  • Fixes a bug where certain macOS versions would fail to restore the previously opened windows due to a regression in Apple’s code
  • Fixed a bug that caused the VRAM viewer’s toolbar to not appear on macOS Sonoma
  • Fixed a bug where controllers did not always automatically connect or reconnect in the SDL frontend

Misc Internal Changes

  • New APIs to explicitly reset the rewind buffer
  • When building SameBoy in debug mode, assertions will now make sure functions are always called from a safe thread context
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Cocoa preferences window to not open when building on some Macs
  • Certain false positive warnings when building with GCC 9 are now avoided
  • SameBoy can now be built as a library, allowing to disable certain features as required
  • New APU APIs to allow detailed querying of its state
  • SameBoy now correctly refers to its license as the Expat License
  • Fixed an issue that prevented SameBoy to be built if the repository’s path included a space

ZEsarUX version 11.0

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Avec son acronyme signifiant "ZX Second-Emulator And Released for UniX", cet émulateur vise à supporter les machines Sinclair ZX ainsi que d'autres : 

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This version is dedicated to my brother David. Rest in peace.

  • New things added:

Added loading audio from external audio source, like a tape player. This also includes:

  • External Audio Source Window: you may see the audio wave, the signal type, and an azimuth assistant which tells you when you have to use the screwdriver ;)
  • Spectrum Analyzer (Audio Spectrum I mean): you may see full frequency range of the audio wave

Added ZENG Online feature, which allows you to play to any emulated game on a multiplayer way using a central server
Added ZENG support on all emulated machines
Added ZENG support on curses driver
Added save screen to .txt file
Added save screen to .stl file, useful to print on 3D Printer
Added support for ZX81 .P81 files
Added save support for ZX80 & ZX81 .Z81 snapshots
Added function to shift bits on Hex Editor
Added new compiled version: Haiku OS
Added TempleOS GUI Style
Added QNX GUI Style
Added setting to force CHR$ 128 mode on ZX81
Added search function to locate menu entries
Added .zmenu type files to generate launcher menus
Added more vintage Spectrum programs/games from me
Added Debug Sensors SPK & MIC Bit from port FEH
Added some tape copiers to Storage-> Tape menu
Added setting for fast welcome message
Added PCW Video mode 1 palette selector

  • Improvements:

Allow to load Next .nex/.snx/.sna snapshots with additional files without having to copy them on the mmc file (it mounts automatically the esxdos handler)
Allow to limit max cpu turbo on Next
Allow to pause playing on AY Player
Improved Keyboard Help: now you can press keys by clicking mouse
Allow to not save configuration when exiting ZEsarUX
Allow to select normal ZEsarUX logo or X Anniversary logo
Allow to send ZENG snapshots more frequently (even every 20 ms)
Allow autorewind setting for real tape too
Allow to disable Spectrum colours on real video mode too
Allow to press hotkeys at On Screen Keyboard
Remember last path used on output tape
Allow to load 48kB MSX cartridges
Allow to load MSX cartridges with memory mapper Ascii 8kb, Ascii 16kb, Konami without SCC, Konami with SCC, R-Type
Allow to set +2e/+3e rom from Custom rom menu item
Easier compilation on Haiku OS
Added setting to avoid Christmas Mode
Improve Hexadecimal editor on ZX80 and ZX81: show inverse characters

Improved ZRCP:

  • Added menu function to sync local snapshot to remote using ZRCP
  • Added ZRCP commands: open-menu, print-error, get-text-overlay, cpu-history get extended
  • Allow to use cpu-step-mode from ZRCP on drivers stdout and simpletext
  • Support MMU restore state on ZRCP command "cpu-history restore" for Spectrum 128k/+2/+2a/+3

Improved QL emulation:

  • Allow autoload when inserting QL mdv/flp
  • Show 2 microdrive and 1 floppy icon on QL, instead of just one icon
  • Allow to enable/disable every drive

Improved file selector:

  • Scrolling the current directory field if it does not fit on the window
  • Can change extension filter
  • When saving files, cursor is located at the file field, and a file name is suggested
  • File selection zone has a different color
  • Go up one directory when pressing left cursor key

Improved ZX Vision:

  • Changed left click mouse behaviour: when pressing left mouse button out of a window, it will close all menus.
    If you need to keep menu open and set focus on emulated machine, just left click and also press shift key.
  • Improve window title background when not all buttons are visible
  • Improve clicking and drawing an always visible window
  • Menus can no longer be minimized or resized (that had no sense)
  • Process switcher: unminimize windows when selecting them and they were minimized
  • Process switcher: now it can be set to be always visible
  • Process switcher: icon names are more descriptive
  • Menu titles are translated to selected language (not everything yet, please be patient)
  • Improve perspective for 3D Particles widget on View Sensors

Improved ZX Desktop:

  • Allow to set parameters when redefining upper buttons, for some actions like openwindow or set machine
  • Allow to reconfigure upper buttons by right clicking over them
  • When defining upper buttons or f-functions to SetMachine, machine name parameter is set to current machine
  • When creating new icon, upper buttons or f-functions of type OpenWindow, a window list is displayed to select
  • Can now show keyboard help from right click on machine icon
  • Fixes:

Fixed ZX Vision:

  • Fixed bug when printing on footer and column was out of bounds (exactly at column 32)
  • Fixed splash texts when row > 23
  • Fixed pressing keys '.' and ',' on menu when machine is ZX80 or ZX81
  • Fixed glitch on ZX Vision BeOS style, when pressing F5, window buttons didn't disappear or reappear
  • Fixed windows refresh after pressing F8 On Screen Keyboard
  • Fixed splash messages when background windows are enabled
  • Fixed initial position for many windows

Fixed http redirections when downloading using the Speccy Online Browser
Fixed bit 6 of FEH port depending on Issue2/3
Fixed Sam Coupe FEH sound port when enabling Real Beeper
Fixed segfault when trying to insert an unexistent Real Tape file
Fixed segfault inserting a ZX81 Real Tape and opening Tape Viewer
Fixed invalid Data Bus value on Jupiter Ace (it's 20H instead of FFH)
Fixed blockage when drawing Text Adventure Map and corrupted GAC adventure
Fixed timings of opcodes CP (HL), CP (IX+d), CP (IY+d)
Fixed bug on ZRCP when handling simultaneous connections
Fixed betadisk sector rollover reading/writing (thanks Mak7ym). Fixed loading for example of: BR_DEA7H, HOMER, PARADISE
Fixed bug when saving Clip Windows info on Spectrum Next ZSF snapshots
Fixed bug loading .nex snapshots with different header letter case (for example Exploding Fist Next)
Fixed reading kempston mouse when menu is open
Fixed memory size rom zone on ZX80 and ZX81
Fixed esxdos handler was enabled when machine is not Spectrum
Fixed high cpu usage when repeated splash messages about video mode changes

RetroArch version 1.19.1

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Émulateur reprenant les moteurs des meilleurs émulateurs dans leur genre, cette application demandant un OSX 10.13 au minimum, il supporte désormais l'architecture Arm64 mais tous les coeurs n'ont

Fiche ios
Présent sur Altstore

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  • AI: Revert AI translation to previous version (fix for translation not working with HW rendered cores)
  • APPLE: Try to use system preferred language
  • APPLE: Correctly register for filetypes uniquely
  • APPLE/MFI: improved Switch Online controller support through MFi
  • AUDIO: Bring back audio toggling on menu toggle
  • CHEEVOS: Build a default RetroAchievements memory map when no RetroAchievements game is loaded
  • CHEEVOS: Update to rcheevos 11.3
  • CHEEVOS: fix hardcore acting as if it’s enabled when it isn’t
  • CLANG: Fix clang error incompatible-pointer-types-discards-qualifiers
  • CLOUDSYNC/LINUX: Enable Cloud Sync by default on Linux builds with network (#16456)
  • CLOUDSYNC/WEBOS: Enable Cloud Sync by default on Linux builds with network (#16456)
  • CORE: Set compute fps stats logging to debug level
  • EMSCRIPTEN: Added M2000 to core selection dropdown
  • FFMPEG: Add compatibility with FFMPEG 7.0
  • GLSLANG: Remove unneeded ENABLE_HLSL code from glslang
  • GENERAL: Memory leak: Dynamic allocation from msg_hash_get_help_us_enum was not freed.
  • INPUT/KEYBOARD: Add support for multimedia keys – Extended RETROK_ values with 18 new items, commonly found on
    “multimedia” keyboards. Mapping added for SDL, X11, Wayland, dinput, winraw keymaps.
  • INPUT/MFI: Pressure sensitive left/right triggers
  • INPUT/MFI: Fix Start + L1/L2/R2 combinations
  • INPUT/MFI: Support strong and weak rumble
  • INTL: Fetch translations from Crowdin
  • INTL: Add Galician and Norwegian to list of languages
  • LAKKA: Display reboot/shutdown message also when not saving config on exit
  • LAKKA: Provide update URL and target name at buildtime
  • LIBRETRO: Add a debug message for the SET_ROTATION callback
  • macOS: Default Accessibility on if VoiceOver is on
  • iOS: default audio sync on again, also more mfi logging
  • iOS: Fix Import Content
  • iOS: Fix ios-arm64 nightly build crash
  • iOS: Import content from iCloud
  • iOS: Fix #16485 crash on startup
  • iOS: Display app icon in app icon picker in materialui
  • iOS/tvOS: Various QoL improvements
  • iOS/tvOS: Fix a couple more path name mangling bugs
  • iOS/tvOS: Better way of packaging Frameworks
  • iOS/tvOS: Fix keyboard handling for app store builds
  • iOS/tvOS: Fix escaping the sandbox for jailbroken devices
  • iOS/tvOS: default accessibility on if voice over is enabled
  • iOS/tvOS: better way of reporting available memory
  • macOS/iOS/tvOS: enable text-to-speech using AVSpeechSynthesizer.
  • tvOS: Fix scaling for 720p
  • MENU: New function in Quick Menu: Add to Playlist
  • MENU/XMB: New theme: FlatUX, designed to merge FlatUI and Retroactive themes into a single, unified design
  • NETWORKING/RETROPAD CORE: Fix socket close method
  • PIXMAN: Update pixman-private.h – patch to fix build issue with musl
  • PLAYLIST: Cleanup ‘Add to Playlist’ (#16495)
  • SCANNING: Fix for scanning PSP ISOs (and probably few others)
  • SAVES: Fix core config saving
  • SAVES: Fix save new config name when core loaded
  • SAVESTATES: Increase save state chunk size for all platforms – Even a class 6 or class 10 SD card can handle reads and writes on the order of MB/s, which means a 4KB chunk size is just wasting time in syscalls. This could maybe be fixed with a buffering reader but I don’t feel comfortable tweaking libretro-common’s VFS to handle that. Instead, I thought it would be good to both remove an ifdef and increase the chunk size to 128KB. For cores with small states this will should make state saving virtually instantaneous, and for cores with large states it should be a 32x speedup.
  • VIDEO: Fix crash when using threaded video – for Mesa 23.2 and later
  • VIDEO/GL: Fix reinitialization of the threaded gl drivers
  • VIDEO/VULKAN: Add support for A2R10G10B10 HDR format
  • VIDEO/VULKAN: Implement HDR readback – screenshot support
  • WAYLAND: Ignore configure events during splash (fix not remembering window size)
  • WAYLAND: Use frontend signal handler to quit (fix quit by window close)
  • WAYLAND: Commit viewport resizes (window resize is more responsive)
  • UWP: Align MESA to alpha-2-resfix – Remove wrong resolution special handling for OPENGL
  • UWP: 4K fix: align MESA reading of ClientRect to retroarch procedure, this fixes max resolution being set to 1080p. As reading must be done inside an UI thread and is in fact an async operation which might delay frame generation, the reading itself is doen once and cached, give that changing resolution while the app is running is an unlikely corner-case use
  • WINDOWS: Windows mouse ungrab must release the mouse instead of confine it to the current desktop (#16488)
  • WINDOWS: Fix numlock/pause key release events


  • AI: Fix narrator language when AI translation and menu languages are different
  • DISK CONTROL: Add option to disable initial disk change
  • DISK CONTROL: Visibility option for disk control notifications
  • DRM: Fix mode vrefresh calculation. When using an interlaced/doublescan mode, the vertical refresh rate is mis-calculated.
  • EMSCRIPTEN: Fix mouse Y parameter translation in rwebinput
  • INPUT: Fix input state combos including R3 and false triggers of RETROK_UNKNOWN
  • INPUT: Add a new turbo mode, “Classic (Toggle)”
  • INPUT: Fix bind hold when axis does not rest at 0
  • INPUT: Limit axis threshold setting to sensible values
  • INPUT: Add Overlay Mouse, Lightgun, and Pointer
  • INPUT/ANDROID: Fix mouse grab behavior on Android
  • INPUT/LINUXRAW: Fix device name and hotplug reconnect
  • IOS: Minor iOS JIT availability information
  • IOS/TVOS: Pause application on applicationWillResignActive
  • LIBRETRO: Add Doxygen-styled comments to parts of the libretro API
  • LUA: Update Lua to version 5.3.6
  • MENU: Add sublabels for input bind common entries
  • MENU: Don’t load history and favorites if size is 0
  • MENU: Don’t disable fast forward when entering menu
  • MENU: Widget position, size, color, icon adjustments
  • MENU: Fix savestate slots in Qt UI
  • MENU: Reorder and reduce depth of User Interface menu
  • MENU/OZONE: Fix sidebar wraparound, visibility after config load, crash after playlist delete
  • MENU/OZONE: Fix sidebar and sublabel animations
  • OSX/MACOS: Fix crash on non-Metal build
  • OSX/MACOS: Add portable.txt as flag for portable install
  • REMOTE RETROPAD: add display for analog axes, indication of inputs already pressed
  • SAVES: Allow combining saves in content dir with save sorting
  • SHADER: Added rolling scan line simulation based on the shader subframe feature. This is implemented with a scrolling scissor rect rather than in the shader itself as this is more efficient although may not work for every shader pass – we may need an option to exclude certain passes. The implementation simply divides the screen up by the number of sub frames and then moves the scissor rect down over the screen over the number of sub frames
  • TVOS: Force asset re-extraction when cache is deleted
  • TVOS: Add history and favorites to Top Shelf
  • TVOS: Fix crash when history item does not have a label
  • UWP: Enable HAVE_ACCESSIBILITY for UWP builds
  • UWP: Allow UWP build to work with a modified version of Mesa Gallium D3D12
  • VIDEO: Add subframe shader support for Vulkan/GLcore/DX10-11-12, enabling shaders to run at higher framerate than the content
  • VIDEO: Fix restoring fullscreen/windowed setting when unloading override
  • VIDEO/VULKAN: Fix HDR with Vulkan after reinit
  • VIDEO/VULKAN: Remove the use of oldSwapchain
  • VIDEO/GL2: Fix OpenGL ES version detection
  • WEBDAV: Fixed SEGFAULT in WebDav task sync + type changes
  • WEBOS: Fix build, add core location on webosbrew.org
  • WIN32: Fix Alt+Enter not working when menubar is disabled

Genymotion version 3.7.1

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Émulateur Android spécialisé pour le développement. Une version gratuite est disponible.

Plus42 version 1.1.12

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Version plus musclée que

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques


2024-05-28: release 1.1.12

* Fixed handling of °C and °F return values in numeric solver.
* Android version: Fixed crash for certain unrecognized key codes from
 Bluetooth keyboards.

2024-05-21: release 1.1.11

* Implemented LL(NAME:VALUE:EXPR). This creates a local variable and executes
 one or more expressions while the local variable is in scope.
* Fixed parameter visibility issues in Σ() and ∫().

2024-05-15: release 1.1.10a (Android, iOS, and MacOS)

* PSE could halt program execution if it was used right after TONE or BEEP.

2024-04-24: release 1.1.10

* Fixed ALPHA pasting during command entry.
* Fixed MODES and DISP menus in EQN list view.
* Equation editor: fixed handling of direct-mapped "%" and "PI".

2024-03-30: release 1.1.9

* Now recognizing comment delimiters '@' and ';' for program pasting.
* More accurate complex ASIN/ASINH.

2024-03-26: release 1.1.8

* Accuracy improvements for C.LN1+X, and complex LN, ATAN, and ATANH.

2024-03-25: release 1.1.7

* EDIT and EDITN, when editing lists, would not display the current element
 index correctly in 1LINE mode. Fixed.

2024-03-22: release 1.1.6b (iOS, Windows, and MacOS)

* Windows version: Fixed display flicker using buffered painting.
* iOS and MacOS versions: Changed skin loader to use WKWebView.

2024-03-21: release 1.1.6a (Windows only)

* Reduced display blurriness when the main window is resized.

2024-03-18: release 1.1.6

* Fixed keyboard mapping bug in the equation editor. This bug was caused by the
 alternate direct command mapping changes in 1.1.5.

Free42 version 3.1.8b

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Emulateur de calculatrice HP modèle HP-42S et de l'imprimante HP-82240. macOS 10.9 Minimum.

Plus42 est le grand frère de free42 avec quelques fonctions supplémentaires.

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2024-05-28: release 3.1.8b (Android only)

* Fixed crash for certain unrecognized key codes from Bluetooth keyboards.

2024-05-15: release 3.1.8a (Android, iOS, and MacOS)

* PSE could halt program execution if it was used right after TONE or BEEP.

2024-04-24: release 3.1.8

* Fixed ALPHA pasting during command entry.

2024-03-30: release 3.1.7

* Now recognizing comment delimiters '@' and ';' for program pasting.
* More accurate complex ASIN/ASINH.

2024-03-26: release 3.1.6

* Accuracy improvements for C.LN1+X, and complex LN, ATAN, and ATANH.

2024-03-22: release 3.1.5b (iOS, Windows, and MacOS)

* Windows version: Fixed display flicker using buffered painting.
* iOS and MacOS versions: Changed skin loader to use WKWebView.

2024-03-21: release 3.1.5a (Windows only)

* Reduced display blurriness when the main window is resized.

2024-03-07: release 3.1.5

* Direct command mapping now supports alternate mappings for ALPHA mode.
* Windows version: Fixed a couple of display glitches.

Daggerfall Unity version 1.1.1

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Interpréteur pour jouer à The Elder Scrolls II : Daggerfall en utilisant le moteur Unity.

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques




New Tutorial

We have a new tutorial! When starting a new playthrough, you will be greeted with this message, replacing the classic Daggerfall tutorial.

Compared to the old DOS FALL.EXE, Daggerfall Unity is a new software with different features and settings. As such, many messages in the tutorial were no longer relevant, or could be rewritten with the expected DFU experience in mind. DFU is already a notable departure from the original game on many basic gameplay aspects, it only makes sense that the tutorial should be adapted in consequence.

We hope this new approach will be useful for new DFU players, even ones with DF experience.

Music fixes

Did you know there is a theme in Daggerfall that is rumored to be unused, but actually appears in the game? This "Knight Theme" is not used in Knight Order halls, but can be heard in some Fighter Trainers halls in Hammerfell!


DFU v1.1.0 reintroduces this theme at the appropriate location (assuming you're not running any mods that changes those locations), and fixes many other music differences from the original game. Did you know gods all have one of three themes at their temples? It should always be the same when you visit the same temple now. Try to notice which gods share themes.

Crash fixes

We've taken steps to reduce crashes; the only one known to originate from DFU itself. Some users were experiencing multiple crashes per day, and v1.1.0 should be much better for those users. Some crashes may still originate from certain mod combinations, try and reach out to support to identify the issue.

With this change, we now have object tracking in the debug HUD for DFU. With the console command tdbg, you should be able to track how many objects DFU has created, which could help track memory issues in heavily modded setups.

General Fixes & Improvements


Mod Features

New Contributors

Play! version 0.65

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Nouvel émulateur Playstation 2 et arcade Namco System 2X6, celui-ci en est a ses débuts.

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- Minor optimizations.
- Compatibility improvements (Fatal Frame 2/3).
- Fixed map rendering in Oneechambara games.
- Reorganized Namco System 147 arcadedefs and added some new ones.

OpenTTD version 14.1

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OpenTTD est un interpréteur du jeu de gestion Transport Tycoon Deluxe qui fonctionne sous macOS 10.14 pour la dernière version.

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques


14.0 (2024-04-13)

Update: New title game for 14.0
Fix #12477: Crash when launching OpenTTD from within a Dropbox folder (#12478)
Fix #12233: Mini order list overlaps vehicle group name (#12423)
Fix #12114: Viewport coords of crashed aircraft not updated when falling (#12424)
Fix #12395: Ensure president name widget is tall enough (#12419)
Fix #12415: Incorrect payment for aircraft secondary cargo (#12416)
Fix #12387: [NewGRF] Wrong tile offset passed to rail station CB 149 (slope check)
Fix #12388: Autoreplacing train heads slowly made the unit number grow (#12389)
Fix #12368: Incorrect offset for click position within industry chain window (#12370)
Fix: Aircraft can float above the ground when crashed (#12425)
Fix: Segfault when using -q without providing a . character (#12418)
Fix: Wrong scrolling dropdown list position with RTL (#12412)
Fix: [Win32] Force font mapper to only use TrueType fonts (#12406)
Fix: "-q" displays NewGRF IDs in the wrong byte-order (#12397)
Fix: Do not send chat to clients that have not authorized yet (#12377)
Fix: [NewGRF] Label for fruit incorrectly changed to `FRUI` from `FRUT` (#12367)
Fix: [Script] ScriptSubsidy::GetExpireDate should return an economy-date (#12372)
Revert #11603: [Script] AI/GSTimeMode was not the best solution for economy/calendar support (#12362)

14.0-RC3 (2024-03-23)
Fix #12347: Crash attempting to find catchment tiles of a station with no catchment area (#12348)
Fix #12319: Some SSE blitters were broken due to ODR violations (#12322)
Fix #12302: Allow empty train engines to use an invalid cargo type (#12325)
Fix #12305: Crash with large positive sprite x offset in engine preview window (#12313)
Fix #12166: Crash when opening tram road stop build window (#12168)
Fix #12092: Incorrect x-axis in cargo payment graph window (#12359)
Fix: Crash when attempting to join a company while not joined (#12353)
Change: Show unbunching action in timetable window (#12351)
Change: [Windows] Switch to Microsoft Azure code signing certificate (#12292)

14.0-RC2 (2024-03-16)
Update: Bump bundled OpenTTD TTF fonts to version v0.6 (#12276)
Update: Developer credits (#12173, #12235)
Change: Use (at least) standard toolbar button size for signal selection buttons (#12265)
Change: [Script] Match FormatString behaviour more closely (#12205)
Fix #12236: Ship pathfinder causes crash when ship is already at destination (#12238)
Fix #12225: [Script] Missing AI::ResetConfig support for running AI config (#12226)
Fix #12203: When unbunching at a depot, don't overlook implicit orders (#12220)
Fix #12196: Always show selected content, even when filtering and disable "select upgrade" button when filtering (#12201)
Fix #12195: Reset cursor when no Object is selected (#12207)
Fix #12176: Ships are circling in one place (#12181)
Fix #12154: Incorrect calendar day lengths with minutes per year setting (#12158)
Fix #12148: Do not draw decimals when number of digits is 0 (#12150)
Fix #12147: Reset all saved settings to their default before loading a game (#12210)
Fix #12145: Incorrect date handling in date cheat in wallclock time-keeping mode (#12146)
Fix #12134: Use correct error messages if clearing drive-through road stops fails (#12139)
Fix #12133: [Script] Don't crash when emergency saving (#12138)
Fix #12127: Truncation ellipses rendered shadows even for black font without shadows (#12132)
Fix #12119: Remove red warning text when maximum loan is zero (#12141)
Fix #12118: When adding an unbunching order, properly check for unsafe conditions (#12136)
Fix #12076: Do not allow 'join' command on dedicated servers (#12208)
Fix #12010: Use economy timer for vehicle stats minimum age, not calendar (#12142)
Fix: Improved ship movement when no path to destination is found (#12285, #12286)
Fix: Initialize _switch_mode_time so crash-logs before first game have a realistic time (#12184)
Fix: [Script] Only show debug script window at the end of savegame loading (#12135)
Fix: [Script] Broken ScriptText circular reference detection (#12187)
Fix: Ordering of command per tick limit and pause mode filtering (#12126)
Fix: Only reset unbunching departure data in the correct depot (#12155)
Fix: Off by one in TimerGameEconomy::ConvertDateToYMD in wallclock mode (#12143)
Fix: Missing savegame conversion for current_order (#12188)
Fix: Helptext for timekeeping unit setting erroneously refers to vehicle movement (#12172)
Fix: Don't show "insert order" errors in the console (#12245)
Fix: Don't defer OnResize() after ReInit() (#12174)
Remove: [Script] random_deviation from setting description table (#12221)
Revert #11993: New number format system does not and cannot work for CJK languages (#12157)
Revert #11606: Don't auto-build past tunnelbridge ends (#12244)

14.0-RC1 (2024-02-18)
Feature: Fully user configurable number format and abbreviations (#11993)
Add: Show cargo icons on subsidy list window (#12079)
Add: [Script] GetAirportNumHelipads (#12085)
Change: Show 6 or 2 orientation buttons in NewGRF road stop picker as appropriate (#12090)
Change: Show cargo icons on Industry View window (#12071)
Change: Improve performance of finding free pool slots (#12055)
Change: Draw north-side farm fences/hedges/walls on tile edge, instead of 1/16th in (#12048)
Change: When adding orders, Ctrl+Click on a depot to unbunch, instead of service if required (#12023)
Change: Store running AI config inside Company (#12003)
Change: Show speed before destination in vehicle status bar (#11932)
Change: Replace long list of cargo filter buttons with a multi-select dropdown list (#11552)
Change: [Script] Use company randomizer when adding random deviation (#12065)
Fix #12074: Don't allow "part" command for dedicated servers (#12075)
Fix #12052: NewGRFs clearing industry cargo slots could fallback to default instead of empty (#12053)
Fix #12050: Add default size, shade and pin control buttons to company livery widget (#12080)
Fix #12041: Tarball extraction failing due to incorrect filename (#12044)
Fix #12037: Blurry OpenTTD font on Mac OS (#12047)
Fix #12029: Don't show Sandbox Options in multiplayer (#12032)
Fix #12024: Autoreplace failed news message for trains must go to lead engine (#12025)
Fix #12022: Adjust economy date when changing timekeeping units in Scenario Editor (#12042)
Fix #12020: Unbunch and service if needed should be mutually exclusive depot order types (#12021)
Fix #12019: Correctly highlight depot unbunch action in dropdown (#12021)
Fix #12014: Remove water when area clearing ship depot (#12030)
Fix #11840: Ship pathfinder always returns a valid trackdir if one is available (#12031)
Fix #10983: [AdminPort] Correct order of messages (#11140)
Fix #10405: [Script] Test engine and vehicle type validity for ScriptGroup::GetNumEngines (#11887)
Fix #10079: Don't render at 1000fps if HW acceleration + vsync is requested but not active (#12067)
Fix: Shadows of individual character glyphs could be drawn over other characters (#12115)
Fix: Don't invalidate station list on vehicle load/unload (#12112)
Fix: NewGRF roadstops were ignored if only in default class (#12089)
Fix: Visually also disable vsync when not using HW acceleration (#12066)
Fix: Industry tiles and houses could accept incorrect cargo types (#12062)
Fix: Redraw orders when a station feature is added/removed (#12061)
Fix: For content service, fallback to TCP downloads when HTTP stalls (#12056)
Fix: Don't issue autoreplace failed news message for command test mode (#12026)
Remove: Setting "no_http_content_downloads" (#12058)

14.0-beta3 (2024-02-06)
Add: [Script] ScriptTileList_StationCoverage to get station coverage area (#12015)
Change: Update OpenTTD TTF fonts to v0.5 (#11994)
Fix #12012: Crash when opening orders of another company (#12013)
Fix #12001: Use correct valid cargo check for old-style NewGRF town house 3rd cargo set up (#12006)
Fix #11997: Adjust economy date by 1920 when loading TTD/TTO savegames (#12007)
Fix: Focus hotkey in road/tram stop building window (#12008)
Fix: Signals were incorrectly shifted by 1 pixel when selected (#12005)
Fix: Missing default vehicles and industry acceptance/production (#12000)
Fix: [Script] Avoid overflow in scripts when infinite money is enabled (#12016)
Fix: [Script] Don't kill GS misusing GSText (#12009)

14.0-beta2 (2024-02-04)
Change: [NewGRF] Improved support for redefining default cargo types (#11719)
Fix #11982: Crash when trying to place signals on things other than plain rails (#11977)
Fix #11975: Inconsistent behaviour when changing first AI company settings (#11976)
Fix #11972: Year cut off in graph windows (#11974)
Fix #11968: Crash when opening orders window of new vehicles (#11973)
Fix #11966: Monospace text in windows may not have been fully scrollable (#11981)
Fix #11802: Made determining water region edge traversability more robust (#11986)
Fix: Second colour vehicle-type default liveries were not being updated (#11971)

14.0-beta1 (2024-02-03)
Feature: Order option to unbunch vehicles at depot (#11945)
Feature: Infinite money mode (#11902)
Feature: Setting to disable the loading speed penalty for trains longer than the station (#11682)
Feature: Plugin framework for Social Integration with Steam, Discord, GOG, etc (#11628)
Feature: Scalable OpenTTD TrueType font made by Zephyris (#11593)
Feature: Toyland-specific river graphics (#11523)
Feature: Add zoom level buttons to sprite aligner (#11518)
Feature: Add shading to river slopes (#11491)
Feature: Place cargo icon on cargo filter dropdowns (#11487)
Feature: Mode to display timetable in seconds (#11435)
Feature: Setting to influence how many minutes a calendar year takes (#11428)
Feature: Base graphics can offer parameters for additional settings (#11347)
Feature: Sandbox option to lock station ratings at 100% (#11346)
Feature: Setting to use real-time "wallclock" as timekeeping units (#11341)
Feature: Setting to automatically restart server based on hours played (#11142)
Feature: Add config option to set default company secondary colour for new games (#11068)
Feature: Transparency option for cost and income indicators (#11001)
Feature: Create group of vehicles from manage vehicle list button (#10890)
Feature: Show coverage highlight the same as stations when adding waypoints (#10875)
Feature: Show the number of industries already built in the Fund New Industry window (#10806)
Feature: Add search filter and name text to build waypoint window (#10786)
Feature: Setting to disallow level crossings with competitors (#10755)
Feature: Opt-in survey when leaving a game (#10719)
Feature: Replace buying/selling company shares with hostile takeovers of AI companies (#10709, #10914)
Feature: Settings to scale cargo production of towns and industries (#10606)
Feature: Separate rail/road and sea/air velocity units, and add knots (#10594)
Feature: Region-based pathfinder for ships (#10543)
Feature: Filter engine build menu by name and NewGRF extra text (#10519)
Feature: Industry directory text filter (#10518)
Feature: Ctrl+Click to reset late counter for the entire vehicle group (#10464)
Feature: Orientation of rail and road depots can be changed (#9642)
Feature: Display help and manuals in-game (#7786)
Feature: [NewGRF] Town production effect and multiplier (#11947)
Feature: [NewGRF] Randomize direction of rail vehicle on build based on probability callback (#11489)
Feature: [NewGRF] Related Act2 objects for airports and airport tiles (#11282)
Feature: [NewGRF] Allow higher max speeds for ships (#10734)
Feature: [NewGRF] Increase limit of objects/stations/roadstops per NewGRF (#10672)
Feature: [NewGRF] Road stops (#10144)
Feature: [Script] Goal destination can be updated (#10817)
Add: Argument for console command "restart" to use either current or newgame settings (#11962, #11963)
Add: {CURRENCY_SHORT} only did k / m suffix. Add bn / tn and make translatable (#11921)
Add: Show in multiplayer the amount of hours a game has been unpaused (#11886)
Add: Allow loading heightmaps from command-line (#11870)
Add: List_[scenario|heightmap] and load_[scenario|height] console commands (#11867)
Add: Latvian Lats currency (#11691)
Add: Horizontal scroll for script debug log (#11597)
Add: GUI options to select sprite font and AA mode for all fonts (#11593)
Add: Website button for basesets in Game Options window, the Game Script settings window and AI settings window (#11512)
Add: [Emscripten] Support for bootstrapping (#11109)
Add: Hotkey to focus town / industry directory filter box (#11030)
Add: Maximum number of companies allowed to the client list (#10523)
Add: Use specific error message when vehicle cannot go to station/waypoint (#10494)
Add: Show NewGRF name in NewGRF-created errors (#10457)
Add: Alternative setting for right-click close window option to exclude pinned windows (#10204)
Add: Allow autoreplace with same model vehicle (#7729)
Add: [NewGRF] Allow inspection of road tiles and airports (#11282, #11323)
Add: [NewGRF] Station variable 6B to get extended station id of nearby tiles (#10953)
Add: [NewGRF] String code "9A 21" to display force from textstack (#10782)
Add: [NewGRF] Station property 1C/1D to set name/classname (#10672)
Add: [Script] Optional filter parameter to ScriptXXXList constructors (#11698,#11663)
Add: [Script] AI/GS Time Mode to choose between economy (default) and calendar time (#11603)
Add: [Script] Allow to set max loan for each company separately (#11224)
Add: [Script] GSIndustry.GetConstructionDate() method (#11145)
Add: [Script] Game script control of industry production level and news messages (#11141)
Add: [Script] GSAsyncMode to set async mode of gamescript commands (#10913)
Add: [Script] GSCompanyMode::IsValid and IsDeity, and enforce valid company/deity mode where applicable (#10536, #10529)
Add: [Script] Allow GS to found town with random road layout (#10442)
Add: [Script] Create own Randomizer per instance (#10349)
Change: Better handle different GUI sizes for most windows, and squash inconsistencies between windows
Change: Allow configuring AI slots above the current maximum number of competitors (#11961)
Change: Forcefully enable prefixing logs with date (#11930)
Change: Position error window closer to cursor on large screens (#11923)
Change: Only open story-book in center when a GS does it (#11916)
Change: Rebrand Cheats as Sandbox Options (#11874)
Change: Make smooth-scrolling based on actual time (#11865)
Change: Set smooth-scrolling on by default (#11860)
Change: Disable building rail infrastructure if train build limit is zero (#11847)
Change: Invalidate music volume when restarting music playback on Windows (#11836)
Change: Make street lights transparent with houses (#11828)
Change: Redesign script debug window (#11782)
Change: Reorganize Settings menu items (#11683)
Change: Set amount of smoke/sparks to "realistic" by default (#11624)
Change: Show a message in livery window if vehicle type has no groups (#11617)
Change: Add distinct tooltips for vehicle group colour schemes (#11617)
Change: Move colour selection dropdowns to bottom of window (#11617)
Change: Support custom transparency remaps with 32bpp blitters (#11616)
Change: Make "middle" the default stopping location for trains in platforms (#11605)
Change: Scale sprites to requested highest resolution level (#11600)
Change: Allow opening multiple script debug windows by holding Ctrl (#11592)
Change: Don't show scoring year in high score table (#11546)
Change: Revert pressed-button content shifting introduced in r2161 (#11542)
Change: Show rating in station list even with no cargo waiting (#11540)
Change: Hide unused cargos from vehicle cargo filter (#11533)
Change: Don't restart playback when toggling playlist shuffle (#11504)
Change: Increase finance window lines (and underlines) with interface scale (#11459)
Change: Move baseset missing/corrupted files label to list item (#11455)
Change: Add horizontal scrollbar to Industry Directory window (#11434)
Change: Improve layout of airport, dock, object, road/tram stop, train station pickers (#11430)
Change: Display cargo lists in sorted cargo order (#11383)
Change: Link houses production on industry chain graph by TPE_PASSENGERS or TPE_MAIL cargo (#11378)
Change: Passenger subsidies are generated for any TPE_PASSENGER cargo type (#11378)
Change: Towns generate cargo based on town production effect (#11378)
Change: Always allow expanding towns in Scenario Editor to build new roads (#11377)
Change: Don't set vehicle on time if timetable not started (#11359)
Change: Store station blocked/wires/pylons flags in map (#11337)
Change: Recover when possible from crashes during a crash (#11238)
Change: Store crash logs in JSON format (#11232)
Change: Remove autosave from settings window; it is already in the Game Options (#11218)
Change: Enable "Forbid 90 degree turns" setting by default (#11160)
Change: Do not allow mixing road/tram types in powered road type list (#11148)
Change: Only show platform stopping location in orders when other than default (#11102)
Change: Autorail / autoroad tools can start dragging from invalid tiles (#11089)
Change: Only allow buying Exclusive Transport Rights when no one has them (#11076)
Change: Remove currency code/symbol suffix from language files (#11061)
Change: Add separate setting for server sent commands per frame limit (#11023)
Change: Cargo flow legend only shows defined cargo (#10872)
Change: Use "Via-Destination-Source" as default station cargodist display (#10851)
Change: Preserve orders and related settings where possible when moving engines around in a train (#10799)
Change: Standardise unit conversions and allow decimal places (#10795)
Change: Use separate names for default stations/roadstops (#10786)
Change: [MacOS] Require at least 10.15 to run the game (#10745)
Change: Hide all variants from UI when (display) parent is hidden (#10708)
Change: Split Game options into General, Graphics and Sound tabs (#10674)
Change: Extend entity override manager and station spec lists to support 16 bit IDs (#10672)
Change: Base autosaves intervals on real time (instead of game time) (#10655)
Change: Allow overbuilding station and waypoint tiles (#10618)
Change: Use realtime for Linkgraph update settings (#10610)
Change: Make tick length 27 milliseconds (#10607)
Change: Increase max cargo age and let min cargo payment approach zero (#10596)
Change: Show buy company dialog window even when playing in the AI company (#10459)
Change: Use HTTPS for content-service connections (#10448)
Change: Big UFO disaster targets current location of a random train (#10290)
Change: Remove land generator setting from World Generation GUI (#10093)
Change: Build signals to the next junction when dragging regardless of the Ctrl state (#9637)
Change: Allow dedicated server to use threaded saves (#10787)
Change: [NewGRF] Increase vehicle random data from 8 to 16 bits (#10701)
Change: [NewGRF] Read Action 3 IDs as extended-bytes for all features (#10672)
Change: [NewGRF] Make Action 3 debug messages more consistent (#10672)
Change: [NewGRF] Extend callback 161 (engine name) with bit 0x22 for context 'Autoreplace - Vehicles in use' (#10666)
Change: [Script] Replace easy/medium/hard values with default value (#11959)
Change: [Script] Limit total script ops that can be consumed by a list valuate (#11670)
Change: [Script] Allow GS access to ScriptGroup, ScriptGameSettings.IsDisabledVehicleType, more ScriptCompany and more ScriptOrder functions (#10642)
Change: [Script] Improve ScriptText validation error messages (#10545)
Change: [Script] Restore support of {RAW_STRING} in ScriptText (#10492)
Change: [Script] Validate ScriptText parameters type and amount (#10492)
Change: [Script] Automate the ScriptObject reference counting (#10492)
Change: [Script] Extract params info from GS strings (#10492)
Change: [Script] A ScriptText with too many parameters is now a fatal error (#10483)
Change: [Script] Log AI/GS Squirrel crashes in white text for readability (#10375)
Fix #11918: Houses should only build next to road stops, not any station type (#11919)
Fix #11827: Make text layouter aware of ligatures (#11831)
Fix #11752: Characters could be repeated when wrapping multi-line text (#11761)
Fix #11748: Decreasing service interval value sufficiently would result in it wrapping around (#11749)
Fix #11629: Crash when getting the nearest town for rotated airports (#11631)
Fix #11516: Adjust window size by interface scale during ReInit (#11517)
Fix #11515: Changing interface scale could have unintended effects on zoom level (#11615)
Fix #11442: "Default" colour in group colour window is not updated when changing master colour (#11614)
Fix #11437: Flipped shorter rail vehicles disappear in windows (#11446)
Fix #11413: Incorrect sorting by industry production (#11414)
Fix #11407: Don't steal focus from dropdown menus (#11484)
Fix #11402: Make string filter locale-aware (#11426)
Fix #11329: Don't assert vehicle list length is non-zero when only asked to set string parameter (#11330)
Fix #11315: Sort industries and cargoes by name in industry chain window (#11317)
Fix #11307: Incorrect GroupStatistics after selling leading wagon (#11311)
Fix #11261: Airport menu selectability after closing window on a class with no available airports (#11344)
Fix #11230: Sort by button in group list window could be misaligned (#11231)
Fix #11215: Assert in NewGRF parameters window (manual parameter mode) (#11217)
Fix #11203: [Linux] Crash when editing CJK characters in edit box (#11204)
Fix #11180: Aircraft crashes could point to the wrong tile (#11184)
Fix #11164: Don't create duplicate town names when using 'Many random towns' in the scenario editor (#11165)
Fix #11162: Second company colour was not consistently applied to articulated vehicles (#11163)
Fix #11115: Focus the abandon game/exit game windows (#11125)
Fix #11096: Increase priority of error and confirmation windows (#11104)
Fix #11087: Disable base graphics/sound dropdown outside main menu (#11091)
Fix #11054: Prevent translation of currency codes (#11061)
Fix #11026: Use real engine name instead of default name for filtering (#11033)
Fix #10982: No help text for gamelog command (#10984)
Fix #10880: Crash in object window due to incorrect parameter order (#10881)
Fix #10868: Crash when Script tries to load large savegame data (#11029)
Fix #10811: Allow dragging vehicle in depot to any free row (#11508)
Fix #10660: Sprite Font scale affected by viewport zoom level limits (#10668)
Fix #10619: Crash loading linkgraph for older savegames (#10620)
Fix #10600: 'Replace Vehicles' didn't show numbers >999 (#10680)
Fix #10578: Allow to select any version of AI/GS from GUI (#10604)
Fix #10522: Link graph tooltip vertical lines were not handled correctly (#10524)
Fix #10511: Don't search for depot every tick if one cannot be found (#11548)
Fix #10478: Clarify airport noise control setting texts (#11169)
Fix #10452: Prevent long stalls during river generation (#11544)
Fix #10430: Display chain window causing assert (#10431)
Fix #10343: Don't extend town-disallowed roadtypes (#10347)
Fix #10251: [MacOS] Screen looks blue-ish when using newer SDKs (#11207)
Fix #10222: Adjust line drawing algorithm (#10491)
Fix #10131: Actually cancel downloads when pressing cancel (#10485)
Fix #10118: Cycle through current signal group, not just path signals (#11798)
Fix #10439: [Script] Validate story page button colour, flags, cursor and vehicle type (#11892)
Fix #10438: [Script] Validate story page element type for ScriptStoryPage::NewElement (#11888)
Fix #9865: Removing files with the console always failed
Fix #9810: Rebuilding a through road stop costs money (#9852)
Fix #9722: Crash when pressing hotkeys early in world generation (#11858)
Fix #9697: Limit the default width of the Online Players window (#11936)
Fix #9642: Keep infrastructure totals when overbuilding road depots (#11229)
Fix #9545: Crash when all cargo types are disabled (#11432)
Fix #8846: When upgrading NewGRF presets, copy NewGRF parameters only if the NewGRF are compatible (#11348)
Fix #8253: Improve profit graph when having lots of money (#11915)
Fix #6377: Two tarballs with the same folder in them were considered as one (#11855)
Fix #5713: Ships could be sent to unreachable depots (#11768)
Fix #4575: Use Latin 'l' in English translation of zloty (#11090)
Fix #4415: Land info build date is also renovation date (#11759)
Fix: Display rank correctly with more than 15 companies in a league table (#11940)
Fix: Extra refit button when train/RV is in a depot (#11904)
Fix: Update server listing as offline when unexpected disconnect during refresh (#11891)
Fix: Horizontal scale of framerate window switched excessively (#11813)
Fix: [Linux] Various issues with resolutions and fullscreen in multi-display setups (#11778, #11779)
Fix: Build button text when train purchase window using "Engines" filter (#11755)
Fix: One-way state remained after removing road from road and tram tile (#11745)
Fix: Draw video driver info at the correct size and text wrap (#10716)
Fix: Language genders could not be applied to SCC_INDUSTRY_NAME (#11697)
Fix: Spurious cancellations of HTTP content downloads (#11668)
Fix: Calculation of initial engine age was inaccurate (#11660)
Fix: Prevent underflow if engine base life is less than 8 years (#11635)
Fix: Changing default livery did not propagate to group liveries (#11633)
Fix: Window width/height was doubly-scaled with automatic DPI switch (#11598)
Fix: Don't crash when saving a crashlog save with no main window open (#11586)
Fix: Prevent overflow when calculating max town noise (#11564)
Fix: Deleting towns did not check for waypoints referencing the town (#11513)
Fix: Invalidate playlist window when (un)shuffling playlist (#11504)
Fix: Restore original cargo legend 'blob' dimensions (#11480)
Fix: Extmidi did not move on to next song after playing ends (#11469)
Fix: Server password length in the UI was unnecessarily limited (#11408)
Fix: OpenTTD can fail to exit on an error due to mutex locks in threads (#11398)
Fix: Scale minimum width for server name by interface scale (#11381)
Fix: Server connection was not closed when relay window was closed (#11366)
Fix: Upgrading NewGRF presets could result in incomplete display of NewGRF parameters until restart (#11348)
Fix: Check for engine variant loops during NewGRF initialization (#11343)
Fix: Don't allow industries to produce invalid cargo (#11314)
Fix: Also apply cargo filters on shared groups in vehicle listing (#11294)
Fix: Only count distance traveled in vehicles for cargo payment (#11283)
Fix: Base cargo payment on load/unload tile, instead of station sign location (#11281)
Fix: Crash when opening a damaged base-graphics (#11275)
Fix: Trivial autoreplace of mixed cargo articulated engines (#11253)
Fix: [Emscripten] Config not saved on exit (#11248)
Fix: Inaccurate waiting cargo total in station window when using cargodist (#11213)
Fix: No fast forward in network was ensured only from GUI side (#11206)
Fix: Crash when not passing command-line parameter for -n (#11153)
Fix: [Bootstrap] Don't crash when failing to connect to content server (#11122)
Fix: Crash when failing to load a game into a dedicated server at startup (#11021)
Fix: Don't allow changing settings over the network that are marked as local settings (#11009)
Fix: Move no_http_content_downloads and use_relay_service to private settings (#10762)
Fix: Extra viewport could not be scrolled with right-click-close (#10644)
Fix: Specify units for value of share trading age setting (#10612)
Fix: Road type is not available before its introduction date (#10585)
Fix: Do not update a RV's Z-position when stationary while turning (#10570)
Fix: Don't (briefly) switch from title-only playlist on menu screen (#10553)
Fix: Reset content download progress to zero if falling back to TCP (#10485)
Fix: Make script goals work with the whole range of ClientIDs (#10435)
Fix: [NewGRF] Tile slope missing from road stops varact2 variable 0x42 (#11373)
Fix: [NewGRF] House class mappings were not reset between games (#11279)
Fix: [NewGRF] Profile didn't stop if there were no events yet (#10816)
Fix: [NewGRF] Support more than 256 stations/waypoints/roadstops per class (#10793)
Fix: [NewGRF] Var68 for station and roadstop was broken (#10784)
Fix: [NewGRF] Object and road stop ignore property handlers (#10525)
Fix: [Script] Apply random deviation to settings only at script start (#11944)
Fix: [Script] Improve ScriptText validation (#11721)
Fix: [Script] GSAdmin.Send() could generate invalid JSON (#11250)
Fix: [Script] Crash if squirrel compatibility scripts cannot be parsed (#11589)
Fix: [Script] Don't list unavailable road types for game scripts (#10585)
Fix: [Script] Game scripts were able to build with non-existing road types (#10539)
Fix: [Script] Inconsistent precondition failure return values (#10533)
Fix: [Script] Crash when companies disappear (#10529)
Fix: [Script] ScriptBase::Rand() return value could return negative values (#10443)
Fix: [Script] Incorrect value for GOAL_INVALID (#10436)
Fix: [Script] Extend Script::IsValidVehicle to check for primary vehicles (#10386)
Remove: "generation_seed" from config, as it was a write-only value (#11927)
Remove: Debug redirect over network (#11776)
Remove: Officially mark Vista as no longer supported (#11531)
Remove: OS/2 and SunOS ports (#11018, #11210)
Remove: Obsolete NewGRF text unprinting (#10884)
Remove: [Script] CONFIG_RANDOM from AddSetting flags (#11942)

mbs1 version 0.8

Mise à jour
  • Logos
    Logo de macOS
  • Logos
    logo intel
  • Logos
    Logo 64 bits

Émulateur d'HITACHI MB-S1 model05 demandant au minimum macOS 10.11 64bits. Les premières versions sont compatibles 10.6.

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques



・La partie sortie sonore a été rénovée.

・[Version VC] Correction d'un problème qui provoquait du bruit lors de l'enregistrement avec Media Foundation.

・[Version Mac] Correction d'un problème où l'écran ne pouvait pas être affiché dans le dessin par défaut.

・[Version Mac] Correction d'un bug qui pouvait se terminer anormalement lors de l'enregistrement avec AVKit.

・L'entrée de clé peut être attribuée au port du joystick.

・Il est possible de régler le bouton du joypad consécutivement.

・Le stick analogique peut être évalué comme une touche de direction.

・La boîte de dialogue d'affichage du journal a été ajoutée.

・[Débogueur] Ajout de la commande DDIS.

bml3mk5 version 2.0.0

Mise à jour
  • Logos
    Logo de macOS
  • Logos
    logo intel
  • Logos
    Logo Apple Silicon
  • Logos
    Logo 64 bits
  • Logos
    Le logo de la bibliothèque SDL

Émulateur de micro-ordinateur japonais HITACHI Basic Master Level 3 mark 5 utilisant la SDL et demandant macOS 10.11 64 bits minimum. Les premières versions sont compatibles 10.6.

PockEmul version 2.8.1

Mise à jour
  • Logos
    Logo de macOS
  • Logos
    logo intel
  • Logos
    Logo 64 bits

Émulateur de calculatrices vintage Sharp, Casio, HP, Texas Instrument, Canon et d'autres.

Fiche ios
Présent sur Altstore

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques



  • New Panasonic HHC package.
  • New Casio FX-9000P package.
  • The HP-35 is now available for free.
  • New share feature.
  • A lot of technical updates and bug fixes.

Fallout 2 Community Edition version 1.3

Mise à jour
  • Logos
    Logo de macOS
  • Logos
    logo intel
  • Logos
    Logo Apple Silicon
  • Logos
    Logo 64 bits
  • Logos
    Le logo de la bibliothèque SDL

Plus communément appelé Fallout 2 ce, cette réimplémentation du moteur vous permettra de rejouer au second opus de Fallout sur votre Mac moderne, à condition d'avoir le jeu original.

Fiche ios
Présent sur Altstore

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques



Welcome to the April 2024 release of Fallout 2 Community Edition. There are important fixes to some long standing issues, which are hopefully resolved (without introducing new problems).

There are no extended release notes for this version, but you can check full changelog here. Thanks everyone.

ET Legacy version 2.82.1

Mise à jour
  • Logos
    Logo de macOS
  • Logos
    logo intel
  • Logos
    Logo Apple Silicon
  • Logos
    Logo 64 bits
  • Logos
    Le logo de la bibliothèque SDL

Jeu multijoueur à la première personne (FPS) basé sur le code de Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques


2.82.0 - Better late than never (released 08/03/2024)



  • Allowed sending some extra chars in messages, such as %, ; or "
  • Switched splash image to a svg version
  • Fixed pointer issues with Q_TrimStr causing access overflow
  • Added custom entity loading (ETL only)
  • Added ettv protocol support to etlded and add custom tvgame for ettv, see ETLTV
  • Added possibility for etlded to act as a client (ettv)


  • Fix position of the Shoot Button dependant on the screen dimensions/dpi
  • Updated SDL to 2.26.4
  • Updated Java to 11
  • When minimized/unforcused App is now storing its state resulting in no more relauching.
  • Fixed USB Keyboard/Mouse Input not being recognized correctly
  • Resized Shoot Button Layout to increase better accessibility
  • Added support for x86 x86_64 Android Devices (only Legacy mod can be runned)

Raspberry PI

  • Rename naming scheme to match arch64 linux (for more advanced users aarch64 is better term in recognisation that apply for all arch64 distros/cpus)


  • Added omnibot support



  • Added DPI Awarness to detect System scaling and apply those to the Game Window



  • Added console history. The entries are saved in etl-history file and can stored up to 2048 characters
  • Fixed issues where the keycather changes to console, ui or cgame and some keys or +/- actions bleed thrue
  • Allowed console resizing while open. No need to close and open with a new size with key shortcut.
  • Reworked/Better Support for Gamepads
  • Prevented paste from clipboard using AltGr + V, which on some layouts causes problems when trying to type specifics characters suh as @
  • Added previously removed ui_finalURL
  • Fixed ui_finalURL line ending
  • Increased CMD_BACKUP to 128 via extension
  • Changed com_maxfps cvar up to 500


  • Added Trackbase statistic functionality
  • Reworked server demos
  • Enforced temporary ban on both GUID and IP
  • Added cleartempbans command to clear temporary ban list
  • Fixed Z_malloc allocation failure on download when netchan is already buffering too much block


  • Added automatic svg scaling
  • Fixed garbage font where cached image were sharing the same hash values on registration
  • Added back r_sdlDriver cvar for setting video driver (mainly useful on Linux OS)
  • Fixed VRAM usage grows after continuous vid_restarts



  • Fixed ref commands list not set on ref promote
  • Improved vote by requiring more than threshold vote ammount
  • Prevented pushing lagged out players
  • Cleared viewDamage buffer on demo rewind
  • Fixed negative total map vote on client disconnection
  • Fixed Last Played count for not eligible map in map vote draw
  • Changed the next map loaded to random instead of nextmap in MAP VOTE game type when no vote has been casted by players
  • Prevented dynamite to be trigger on sudden death for defenders
  • Added passvote and cancelvote commands
  • Added XP Battle Sense reward on differents objectives condition :
    • 3pts Taking objective item
    • 5pts Returning objective item
    • 8pts Capturing objective item
    • 2pts Capturing spawn flag (flag pole / checkpoint)
    • 3pts Killing objective carrier
    • 2pts Killing player on TOI (objective area)
  • Added cg_teamVoiceChatsOnly cvar for better chat filtering
  • Added qsay command to print message without prefix
  • Forced mapnames lowercase for map command
  • Fixed objective disappearing when a player carrying it is revived by using revive command
  • Fixed forcetapout command was possible while game in pause or player frozen
  • Fixed kill was possible when player was wounded while game in pause or player frozen
  • Removed cg_shoutcastDrawPlayers and cg_shoutcastDrawTeamNames shoutcaster cvars
  • Removed cg_drawReinforcementTime cvar
  • Fixed shoutcast keycatcher event handling when limbo menu / HUD editor is showed or resolution has been changed
  • Allowed ref and callvote commands in server console
  • Fixed intermission impkd stats showing only zeros for some players by splitting stats in two differents commands impkd0 and impkd1
  • Fixed Lua modules won't load if one has a syntax error during pre-compilation
  • Improved vsay commands, clients can choose which variant of the vsay they want to play. Everyone hears the chosen variant.
  • Fixed custom vsay was truncated after first word
  • Fixed velocity was reset when landing on nodamage surface
  • Added g_logTimestamp cvar to control and keep add backward compatible log timestamp formats for parsers
    • 0 - no timestamp
    • 1 - integer (ms)
    • 2 - startup relative time (mmm:ss)
    • 3 - vanilla ("hh:mm.ss")
  • Updated HUD file version to v3, using HUD name as indentifier instead of index. Old HUD index are compatible as they are converted
  • Protected Alternative HUD, Comp HUD and Shoutcaster against edition. They must be cloned first before modification
  • Fixed landmine limit to prevent overflow when changing team_maxLandmines cvar value
  • Removed rank text from "You have been revived..." center print text
  • Changed default secondary weapon selection to the best one
  • Fixed team command on swapping team was selecting default weapons in case of command flooding or first team join
  • Fixed log stats when player disconnects from limbo were not written to the log file
  • Fixed omni-bot mg42 goal names
  • Enabled spawning when changing entity classname with "set" scriptaction
  • Fixed dlights not updating if spawned after initial map load

Stability & Performance

  • Removed send EV_SHAKE event if out of range of the shake wave
  • Added client prediction optimization (instead of iterating over whole CMD_BACKUP array every frame oldest valid cmd will be saved during snapshot transition frame as future starting point)



  • Added cg_bloodPuff to toggle showing blood puff effect when players are shot
  • Fixed FT icon display on enemies when sprites are disabled
  • Added .svg version of simple items icons
  • Improved brass ejection position to ensure it doesn't obstruct view


  • Added missing shader for Fire in the hole icon
  • Fixed wrong computation of x coordinate for environment awareness when icons was behind the player
  • Added cg_drawEnvAwarenessScale cvar for moving icons position relative to screen center
  • Added cg_drawEnvAwarenessIconSize cvar to resize icons
  • Fixed scope mask draw over scoreboard
  • Added larges score abbreviation by thousands
  • Enhanced server browser selection by retaining last selected server during server list load
  • Added focus on connect to IP textBox when opened
  • Removed cg_numPopups cvar
  • Improved bot flag readability
  • Fixed chat button usage in shoutcaster mode
  • Added cg_commandMapTime to control +mapexpand animation speed
  • Fixed animation cut-off when expanding map as a spectator
  • Fixed team map data position for players with noclip on
  • Fixed spectator freecam was not speclocked correctly
  • Updated huds.hud file to json format
  • Fixed scoreboard tooltip show if alternative features are disabled
  • Added .svg version of crosshairs
  • Added cg_shoutcasterhud cvar to toggle hud to selected from it when becoming shoutcaster
  • Suppressed fireteam invites and proposals from ignored clients
  • Fixed speaker editor handle drag and panels resolution / position on widescreen
  • Fixed antiwarp lagometer
  • HUD changes :
    • Fixed crosshair name revealing disguised enemy covert ops
    • Fixed crosshair name in 3rd person
    • Fixed Popup Messages alpha and fade effect
    • Fixed objectives HUD icon scaling
    • Added Always draw style option for compass to keep compass draw while map extend is displayed
    • Changed default component visibility to 0 for fps/ping/speed/lagometer/localtime on default HUD 0 (ETmain)
    • Fixed no clip weapon dynamic color ammo count
    • Adjusted icons and spacing on fireteam overlay
    • Fixed unscaled spacing on fireteam overlay
    • Added cg_drawCrosshairFade cvar to control delay before fading crosshair information
    • Fixed crosshair name fade effect for dynamite and mines
    • Adjusted icons size on follow text
    • Added thin white border to the simple compass and smaller letters and lines
    • Fixed weapon icon alignment and alpha color
    • Fixed proposition/invitation vote text was not displayed
    • Fixed vote text color
    • Fixed warmup text color
    • Added background and border for bar comp
    • Changed Color Main and Color Secondary to modify bar color instead of background and border color
    • Changed Background Color and Color Border to modify both background/border of comp and bar
    • Enable Lerp Color for bar comp
    • Added Dynamic Color style for healthbar and crosshairbar comp
    • Changed maximum popup message to be displayed in popupmessage from 7 to 32, depending of componement free space.
    • Added multiline support to popupmessage component
    • Added Scroll Down style option to popupmessage component, starting popup to draw from top instead of bottom
    • Added popupmessage2and popupmessage3 comps which behave the same as popupmessage comp
    • Added Colorless Name, Status Color Row and Status Color Row style to fireteam comp to show player status as color in ft and allow forced white names
    • Added scPlayerListAxis, scPlayerListAllies, scTeamNamesAxis, scTeamNamesAllies shoutcaster componement
    • Added HUD 5 Shoutcaster HUD
    • Replace status comp with shoutcaster player status
    • Enhanced RoundTimer comp to work with shoutcaster
    • Enhanced weapon icons in popup messages point towards the victim when Swap V<->K is toggle
    • Added draw suffix style option to healthtext, breathtext, sprinttext, chargeweapontext and xptext
  • HUD Editor
    • Added a toggle for noise generator in HUD Editor (n key)
    • Removed temporisation on save button from HUD Editor
    • Added warning message about HUD 0 can't be modify from HUD Editor
    • Added a toogle for fullscreen display in HUD editor (f key)
    • Added option to show visible component layout only
    • Added blinking warning message on default HUDs as they can't be modified until cloned
    • Changes HUD selection by name instead of index
    • Added grid support for elements alignment (o, c and d keys)
    • Added grid alignment option to force element when moved / rezised to be aligned with the grid depending of the grid scale (a key)
  • Debriefing
    • Fixed LAST played map indicator index on map vote panel
    • Fixed "Participation" percent on on map vote panel
    • Enhanced map vote panel popularity score
    • Fixed map bias on map vote panel
    • Enhanced map bias by showing computed map bias for the team advantaged for the selected map on map vote panel
    • Added panels windows with quick access buttons to each panels availables
    • Added blinking effects for map vote button when the vote isn't casted
    • Fixed campaign map list wasn't draw when at least 1 maps was missing localy
  • UI Menu
    • Added back crosshair cvar in option menu
    • Added cg_dynamicIcons* cvars on Option View menu
    • Improved server browser filter description


  • Fixed binocular switching multiple time while moving
  • Added jiggle effect on mobile MG and tank MG
  • Added spread visual crosshair to nested MG and tank MG
  • Increased mines spotting update frequency from 1000 to 500 ms, back to default vanilla value
  • Fixed an issue where current weapon gets changed even if the removed weapon is not the one currently being held
  • Fixed exploit by ensuring weapalt will not be executed if binoc are used
  • Fixed extra ammo gain for soldier SMG due to add secondary weapon again if it's already added as a primary
  • Fixed flamethrower spawns too many flames with cg_drawGun 0 and 2
  • Fixed riflegrenade being equipped again if player shoots and dies right after
  • Fixed altweapon state not being properly restored when revived
  • Fixed riflegrenade grenade model disappearing if player dies and gets revived
  • Improved flying nade effect fix when getting revived
  • Improved weapon selection when player dies and upon revive has invalid weapon equipped
  • Improved altweapon initialization on respawn (silenced pistols)
  • Fixed pliers not working near TOI on some maps (such as fixed MG on Railgun / Radar or 1st barrier in Bremen)
  • Changed satchel charge fade on player dead instead of wounded
  • Changed mgs nested fire rate from 50ms to 66ms to match ETpro

Hatari version 2.5.0

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Émulateur Open Source d'Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon pour macOS utilisant la librairie SDL. Les sources sont disponibles sur le site.

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques

Version 2.5.0 (2024-04-18)
Removed features:
- The "--bpp" command line option and related code (i.e. the rendering
  functions for 16 bits-per-pixel host screens) have been removed
  since almost all recent hardware should support 32 bpp nowadays
Configuration changes:
- In hatari.cfg, section [RS232], rename:
  - sSccBOutFileName => SccBOutFileName
  - bEnableSccB => EnableSccB
Emulation improvements:
- MFP:
  - When IRQ is cleared on one of the 2 ACIAs, do not clear IRQ on
    the MFP side if the IRQ is still set on the other ACIA
- Blitter:
  - Ignore byte accesses to blitter registers defined as word only
  - Update sound FIFO on each HBL (like on STE)
- CPU:
  - Sync CPU core with WinUAE CPU core 5.2 beta
  - Improved 68000 cycle accuracy (IPL, STOP, TRACE)
  - Fix IACK timings
  - Return vector=24 if a spurious interrupt happens during the IACK sequence
  - 68010 DIV overflow undefined flags update
  - NMI handling
  - MMU/generic CPU mode autovectored interrupt support
  - Fix 68060 MMU MOVEM.L (An)+,<regs> if regs contain An
  - 68040/060 MMU fault handler bug fix for MOVEM
  - Fix FSINCOS and FMOVE.L/FMOVEM.L register in disasm
  - Some softfloat fixes
  - Fix stacked PC for branch/jump instructions doing a bus error
- DSP:
  - Fix: effective address with modifier=modulo
  - Add host interface initialisation
  - Add host received data interrupt
  - Improve bootstrap support
- Video:
  - Add support for 4 pixel hardscroll on STF by stopping shifter with
    $FF8260=3 (new technique by Troed/Sync)
  - In monochrome mode correctly mask the video address to 22 or 24 bit
    space depending on the machine type. Prevent crash in some cases when
    Hatari is compiled with "small mem" option
  - Fix VBLANK location, should be line 308 on 50 Hz (was 307 before)
- SCC 85C30 (for MegaSTE, TT and Falcon)
  - Major rewrite of most of the code, should support all modes used by TOS
    and EmuTOS or when accessing SCC's registers directly
  - Support all serial ports as well as LAN port for MegaSTE and TT
- Joypads:
  - STE joypad emulation now supports analog / paddle input, too
- FDC:
  - For IPF/CTR support, caps library has a bug that resets FDC's TR and DR
    on warm reset (68000's reset command). We keep/restore the value ourselves
- IDE:
  - Fixed emulation of the HOB (High Order Byte) of the last LBA48 value
  - LBA28 capacity announcement is now correctly limited to 2^28-1
- Falcon:
  - DMA sound : fix SNDINT/SOUNDINT values (0=playing, 1=idle) and
    interrupts on TAI / GPIP7 for start of frame / end of frame
  - Preliminary support for more vertical refresh rates (50,60 or 71 Hz)
    based on Videl's registers $FF82C0 (VCO) and $FF82A2 (VFT) (was only 50 Hz before)
Emulator improvements:
- TOS:
  - Fix: set TOS country code from CountryCode setting, not Language one
  - Add "pl" (Poland) & "ro" (Romania) language options for EmuTOS
- RTC:
  - CLI/config option to override NVRAM/RTC year, useful with
    applications that do not handle current dates
- Joystick/Joypad support:
  - Fix: joystick button 2 space key emulation "autofiring"
  - Keyboard emulation support for all STE joypad buttons/keys
  - Support for re-mapping joystick buttons
  - Fix: Fread/Fwrite combination on Windows
  - Fix: Frename() should fail when target exists
  - Support up to 64 simultaneously open files (earlier limit was 32)
  - Similarly to TOS, allow programs to write to a file they have opened
    as read-only (by opening all writable files as read/write).  As this
    could fail with real HW under MiNT/MagiC, show warning about it
- Screen:
  - Support for screenshot using .NEO or .XIMG format
  - Add option "--screenshot-format <x>" (<x> = png or bmp or neo or ximg)
- Memory Snapshot:
  - Add some missing variables to the savestate
- Logging/tracing:
  - "os_base" trace option outputs now also dir create/delete + file delete
    calls (in addition to earlier pexec/pterm & file create/open calls)
  - Separate CPU video cycles under its own "cpu_video_cycles" trace flag
  - Suppress repeats of identical log & trace messages by default
    (show only their count) and add "--msg-repeat" option to toggle that
- Debug symbol handling:
  - Fix: invalid free on freeing loaded GNU debug symbols
  - Fix: Do not limit "A" type (constant) symbol values to 24-bit
  - Add support for reading symbols from new MINT+ELF binaries
  - Add support for demangled C++/a.out symbols (which can be
    very long and contain almost any characters)
  - "<name>.sym" file beside program file acts as its symbols override
  - Add optional argument for "symbols <name|code|data>" commands,
    to limit listed symbols to ones with the given substring
  - Improved support for weak symbols (important for C++ code)
  - Symbols with duplicate addresses are skipped on symbols loading
- Disassembler:
  - Fix: CPU core disassembler crashes with longer symbol names
  - When entering debugger with 'history' enabled, disassembly address
    defaults to an address in history preceding the PC register value
    (to give more context than disassembling directly from PC)
  - Support for disassembly output options working also for CPU core
    disassembler, in addition to external disassember output
  - More flags to change the disassembly output for CPU core
    (upper/lower case, show memory content, show EA, ...)
  - The built-in "external" disassembler has been replaced by a
    disassembler provided by the Capstone library (version >= 4.0)
- Debugger:
  - Fix: free all debugger allocations before exit
  - Fix: memdump command always outputs only requested number of items
  - Add address width (addr).[bwl] support to expression evaluation
  - History skips address repeats (e.g. with "stop" instruction)
  - Breakpoint ":quiet" option inhibits also extra output when
    ":file" option debugger command file is parsed
  - Line-A and line-F exceptions can be caught with "--debug-except"
    option (in addition to breakpoints)
  - Add "echo" command with escape handling, so that one can e.g.
    use "echo \ec" to clear (ANSI) terminal before breakpoint
    output from a debugger command file
GUI improvements:
  - Fix: mouse not visible in floppy disk dialog when it is invoked
    from a keyboard shortcut in fullscreen mode
  - Fix: fileselector scrollbar works with mouse also in SDL2
    scaled / fullscreen window
  - Support for joystick button mapping + space key vs. jump option
- Mac GUI:
  - Accept all file names as Mac file selector does not show
    a list of the accepted file name extensions any more
- gst2ascii:
  - Support for new MINT+ELF symbols
  - "-o" option is split to "-f" and "-g" options
  - "-s" option to skip symbols with duplicate addresses
  - By default filters same symbols out as Hatari debugger
  - This can be reverted with new '+' option variants (+l +g +s)
  - More concise listing of the duplicate symbols
- Profile data post-processor:
  - Does not show (most) of symbol conflict messages any more
    (unless '--verbose' option is given)
  - When address has multiple symbols which names are thought
    as C/C++ symbols, prefer shortest one
  - Support for symbol files + Hatari profile data containing
    demangled C++ symbols
  - Support weak symbols (used for C++ template methods)
  - Overtly long C++ symbol names are shortened in callgraphs
    (unless '--full-symbols' option is given)
  - Symbols given for "--only", "--ignore" and "--ignore-from"
    are interpreted as match patterns (with '*?[]' wildcards)
  - Only single arrow shown between callgraph nodes when
    "--compact" option is used
- m68k-instructions: (new)
  - Tool for printing m68k instruction breakpoints & opcode info
Build improvements:
- Fix: CPU core compile warnings (WinUAE upstream)
- Fix: groff/troff warnings for manual pages
- Use cmake config file provided by the SDL2 library instead of trying
  to detect the SDL2 library ourselves (fixes compilation on macOS)
- Removed unused sources for HD6301 emulation
- Hatari can now be compiled with emscripten, too
Fixed demos:
- Chaos A.D. : bad sound (Falcon DMA sound interrupts)
- Little -ME- Demo end part by Overlanders : black screen after a while (IACK timing)
- Monscape : bad sound (TT/DMA FIFO update)
- Time Slice by Defence Force : monochrome demo (crash when Hatari
  is compiled with "small mem" option)
- What If by Troed/Sync : 4 pixel hardscroll on STF by stopping shifter
- Oergs, Terrorize your soul, Zero Three Zero demos work now also
  when MMU is enabled
Fixed programs:
- FlaySID (DSP host handling)
- AFM sound with equalizer enabled (DSP modulo)
- FreeMiNT (use SCC counter at start to detect the SCC clock freq)
- Spectre 3.0 Macintosh emulator (stacked PC in case of bus error)
- m68k-Linux works (again) with 040/060 emulation (MMU)
- m68k-NetBSD does not crash on boot any more (MMU)
Fixed games:
- F29 Retaliator using CTR/IPF format (handle FDC's TR reset bug in caps library)
- MIDI (MFP IRQ clear) handling:
  - Bad Mood
  - Midi Maze
  - Midi Maze II
  - Oxyd 2
- Work now also when MMU is enabled:
  - Gravon (demo)
  - Killing Impact
  - Moongame


Emma 02 version 1.48

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Voici un émulateur assez atypique puisqu'il émule des micros, des cartes mais aussi une borne. La dernière build MacOS demande 10.14 minimum. Voici la liste des systèmes émulés : 

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques




This is the last Emma 02 version supporting dedicated computer tabs. For the next version, Emma 02 V2.00, I'm planning to remove all dedicated tabs and only support the new XML tab. This will remove a lot of double code and in the end simplify maintenance as well as simplify introduction of additional computers.

General changes in this version:

  • Added XML tab which configures any 1802 machines via xml files
  • Next to already emulated machines the following is supported via XML:
    • COMiX and COMX with High Speed Direct Connect
    • Conic, including Apollo, Mustang, MPT-02 and M1200 (previously covered as Victory MPT-02)
    • Cybervision 2001
    • HEC1802
    • Macbug
    • RCA COSMAC Computer Game System (previously covered as part of the Video Coin Arcade)
    • Studio 2020 (an unfinished project that I started with Ed Keefe in 2020)
  • Redesigned command line interface to using the new XML emulators
  • Multiple small bug fixes

Video Terminal

  • Fixed external terminal to work with uart 16450

Cosmac VIP

  • Added support for changing background colour anywhere on the screen (when using a VIP colour board). Thanks to Nobuyoshi.

Chip 8

  • Fixed a bug in CHIP-8X, value on address 0x228 should be 8C, according to "VP580, VP585, VP590, VP595 Instruction Manual Including CHIP-8X.". This affects BXYN with N>1 (set color N lines). The only program that is known using this instruction is "Bombs Away in Color and Sound" in VIPER 4.02.11.

ETI 660

  • Changed name on the old computer tab to HUG1802/ETI because the HUG1802 was the originally kit designed in New Zealand by Hugh Anderson.

New/added SW

  • VIP 3D driving game by Nobuyoshi
  • COMX tetris clone by Winston
  • basic3.img file for the MS2000 configuration thanks to Todd Ferguson see also thread "Todd's ELF-ish to get RCA BASIC3", https://groups.io/g/cosmacelf/topic/76500174.
  • Richard's latest Elf rommapper2
  • CHIP-8X version of Bombs Away in Color and Sound.
  • Multiple Chip 8 SW adapted by Costas to run on a HEC1802 or HUG1802

suyu version 0.0.3

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Successeur de Yuzu, émulateur de Nintendo Switch parti trop tôt suite à une défaite en justice face à Nintendo.

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques


The suyu emulator project is still alive. We present to you suyu v0.0.3


  1. Preliminary fix for fw 18.0.0
  2. Preliminary fix for Princess Peach: Showtime
  3. Fix NROs crashing and loading infinitely
  4. Fix issue #94
  5. Increase Limit ( FSR Sharp , AUDIO ) Android

etc etc

Please note that only firmware version 17.0.0 is officially supported. 18.0.0 may work but it is not guaranteed

Edit: correct android package name and displayed name

Edit 2: use correct name scheme to maintain compatibility with third party updaters

Edit 3: Rebuilt macOS. If the app won't open, try running xattr -d com.apple.quarantine suyu.app in Terminal

EKA2L1 version auto build

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auto build

Émulateur expérimental de Symbian OS/N-Gage, un ancien système destiné aux mobiles avant l'arrivé d'Android, iOS et consorts.

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques


Apr 10

HP-15c version 4.6.00

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Simulateur de calculette HP-15C.

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques


Version 4.6.00, Build 6414

  • Bug fixes
    • When starting the simulator, the simulator window could be outside of the visible area when the monitor layout had changed after saving the window position.
    • Program description dialogue: When the Search and Replace window was closed, the input focus was not set to the edit window.
    • The mnemonics in the program popup menu did not respect the current setting for the comma and the thousands separator.
  • Changes
    • Key sequences with a decimal point, e.g. STO . 3, are now formatted as { 45 .3 } or { 45 ,3 } in the program files. The actual format depends on the settings for comma and period. In previous versions the sequence was formatted using the key code ('48') for the decimal point, e.g. { 45 48 3 }.
    • The entire simulator documentation was checked using DeepL Write. The use of nouns, such as button vs. key, and verbs , such as show vs. display, is now more consistent.
    • Program description dialogue:
      • The statistics registers R2 to R7 are now automatically added to the program description, when the program uses the commands Σ+ or Σ-.
      • Selected text in the Usage field now remains highlighted, when the field looses the focus. For example when you open the Search and Replace window.
      • The preview mode now supports text that is formatted in bold and italic at the same time.
      • The symbols menu can be opened at the cursor position with the shortcut ControlB3 (not for macOS).
  • Known issues
    • macOS
      • When minimising the description dialogue, it becomes immediately maximised again
      • Artifacts along the top and bottom edge of the simulator keys for some font sets
      • Some users got errors when they installed the HP-15C Simulator Font. It is recommended to deinstall all versions of the font before installing it again.
    • Linux, macOS:
      • The behaviour described on page 144 of the Owner's Handbook when a letter key is 'held down for longer than about 3 seconds', works on all systems when you use the mouse. When you use the keyboard, it works on Windows, but not on macOS and Linux.

Einstein version v2024.4.22

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Einstein est un émulateur de Newton, le PDA d'Apple. Vous aurez besoin d'une rom de Newton.

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques



  • new NewtonScript function for Toolkit: MakeIconFromFile("something/something.png") generates a black and white icon frame using the gray or red channel of an image and the alpha channel, if it exists
  • fixed newt/64 package generation where it was generating superfluous _nextArgFrame entries.

NanoBoyAdvance version 1.8.1

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Nouvel émulateur open source, "cycle-accurate" écrit en C++ demandant l'installation de la librairie SDL2 et supportant macOS 10.15 minimum.

Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques



  • UI: implement an option to pause the emulator when the window is inactive
  • UI: improve lack of response to input changes in the sprite viewer when the emulator is paused
  • UI: replace QOpenGLWidget with QWidget (thanks @GranMinigun)
  • UI: fix solar sensor level menu that has been broken in 1.8.0 (fixes #370)
  • GPIO: fix broken deserialization of port directions
  • APU: MP2K HLE: handle corrupted wave info addresses (fixes #362)
  • APU: PSG L/R volume must be remapped from 0-7 to 1-8
  • GameDB: Japanese Boktai releases have a solar sensor (thanks @raphaelr)
  • Redirect stdout on Windows (thanks @GranMinigun)

TouchHLE version 0.2.2

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Émulateur HLE d'iPhone/iPod touch jusqu'à iPhone OS 3.0 avec une priorité sur les jeux.

Fonctionne sur les processeurs Apple Silicon via Rosetta.


Le journal des nouveautés qui font rêver les nostalgiques




  • New working apps:
  • API support improvements:
  • There is now support for iPhone OS 3.0 apps, in addition to the existing support for iPhone OS 2.x apps:
    • Support for fat binaries has been added. touchHLE will no longer crash when trying to run an app with both ARMv6 and ARMv7 versions, and instead will try to pick the best available option (ARMv7, or failing this, ARMv6). This improves compatibility with iPhone OS 3.0 apps, many of which use fat binaries in order to improve performance on the iPhone 3GS and iPod touch (3rd generation). (@WhatAmISupposedToPutHere)
    • The bundled ARMv6 dynamic libraries, libgcc and libstdc++, have been updated to their iPhone OS 3.0.1 versions. Previously the iPhone OS 2.2.1 versions were used. (@hikari-no-yume)
    • touchHLE will no longer output a warning when trying to run an app with iPhone OS 3.0 as its minimum OS version. The warning now only appears for apps requiring iPhone OS 3.1 and later. (@hikari-no-yume)


  • The --button-to-touch= option now supports the Start and the LeftShoulder buttons in addition to the A/B/X/Y buttons and D-pad. Certain games' default options have been adjusted to use them. (@nighto)
  • Default options for various games (@nighto)

La Gazette des Nouveautés Rétro

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La documentation émulomane sur Mac