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Virual ][ 5.4 est là 

dimanche 27 août 2006, par syndicman

Cet émulateur d’Apple II est une vraie merveille, dommage qu’il soit payant. Voici la liste des nouveautés pour cette version 5.4 :

 Added emulation of the Thunderclock card, and made it the default clock card for all virtual machine types.
 The old "ProDos clock card" is now obsolete. It is still supported, but can no longer be selected in a new configuration.
 Added emulation of the the Saturn 128K memory card.
 Improved the support for international keyboards.
 Added additional Apple II character sets : British, French, German, Itialian and Swedish.
 Adjusted the Apple //e character set, to eliminate some minor differences with the characters in the original machine.
 Added an AppleScript property to get the path of the configured favorite disk folder.
 The RAMWorks card can now be configured in increments of 64KB (was 128KB).
 The 16K RAM card can now be inserted in all slots, not only slot 0.
 Fixed an issue that prevented 2img disk images from being recognized on an Intel Mac.
 The "generic printer card", which has been obsolete since version 3.4, is no longer supported. It has been replaced by the Grappler+ card and the serial printer card.

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