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Mise à jour
Formule Homebrew
brew install ppsspp
Fiche ios
Présent sur Altstore
Changelog iOS


  • Added setting to control the app switching mode on iOS (you can now get rid of the indicator at the bottom of the screen, at the cost of losing the double-swipe app switching behavior)
  • Fixed some bugs in savestate handling that could cause crashes
  • Fix bug in IR interpreter causing crashes and strange behavior like wrong camera in the Yu Gi Oh games
  • Fix handling of multiple savegames in GTA (didn't always load the most recent one)
  • Minor compatibility and rendering fixes
  • 1.17.3

    Jun 26, 2024

    * Bluetooth gamepad improvements - Select button now responds properly and the Guide button can be mapped

    * Fix for math rounding issue that made bosses in Peace Walker unbeatable, among other glitches

    * "Double-swipe" protection against accidental app switching

    * Swipe-from-left gesture now disabled in-game, as it reduced touch screen performance

    * Fix hang when taking screenshots

    * Remote Disc Streaming (in your local network) now works

  • 1.17.2

    Jun 4, 2024

    * Metal-based rendering through MoltenVK

    * Swipe from left edge to go back

    * Much improved UI text rendering

    * Many bug and crash fixes

    * Support for RetroAchievements

PPSSPP est un émulateur PSP open-source. Des versions en dev sont disponibles sur le site, sinon vous pouvez compiler vous-même les sources en suivant ces instructions. Un émulateur écrit en java est aussi disponible, il se nomme jpcsp.

Une version version Gold payante permet de soutenir le développeur. Elle est identique à la version gratuite.

Wipeout dans PPSSPP
Crisis Core : Final Fantasy dans PPSSPP
Grand Theft Auto - Vice City Stories dans PPSSPP




  • Crashfix in PBP reader (homebrew/demos) (#19580)
  • Fix minor theme issue in the Homebrew Store (#19582)


If you're on Android and already have it installed from Google Play, your update will arrive within a week (to catch crashes early).

iOS will also receive the update on the App Store. Howevwer, the Apple Store review process has been problematic recently (if this continues, a lengthy write-up is coming...), so it may take a quite long time before it's up, unfortunately.

For details on the changes, see the news item.

Download now!

Overview of fixes in 1.18

  • iOS support is now official and has been greatly improved, compared to old side-loaded builds. It's now nearly feature complete, only missing microphone emulation and a few minor UX things like easily setting a background image in the menu. A lot of iOS-specific optimizations have been implemented to keep performance as good as possible, even though we can't use JIT.
  • A lot of potential crashes have been fixed, both in-game and in the UI
  • A number of rendering and video playback problems have been fixed
  • Input changes: More mappable actions, the AxisSwap feature has been fixed
  • UI changes: Game info can be reached in-game, you can install savegames directly from zip files, etc
  • The Android VR build got "immersive mode" which makes better use of the built-in motion compensation, and many other fixes. Lubos explans it in this video.
  • And of course a huge amount of small bugfixes and performance improvements around the code base.


hrydegardportage OSX : angelXwind

Autres émulateurs de la catégorie

  • Provenance

    Dernière mise à jour:
    Version 3.0.1
  • RetroArch

    Dernière mise à jour:
    Version 1.20